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Fantasia POV

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Fantasia POV

"Mommy!!" My oldest child squealed skipping over to me. We hugged and I squeezed her. "Hi tinka. How was the flight?" I asked after we got into my truck.

"It was good. I slept the whole time per usual. Are you excited?? The premiere is in two days!" She asked looking over at me. I nodded "I am! I'm nervous too though. Like we're reimagining a classic and we worked so hard...now everyone is about to see it. My nerves are so bad."

Zion shook her head "Don't be nervous. Even the bits and pieces I've seen were amazing I'm sure everybody is gonna love it! And if they don't eff them!" I side eyed her after her last sentence. She grinned "Ah ah ahhh you can't pop me cause I technically didn't say it!"

I rolled my eyes while chuckling. "Yeah whatever! You coming with me to get my teeth gems done?"

She nodded "Ouu yes! Can I get some too?" I told her yes before pulling into a chick fil a getting her some food. We pulled off after making sure everything was in the bag and headed towards the jeweler.

"Where mama Raji?" I smiled knowing the question would come sooner or later. I looked at the time. "Umm right now she should be at her fitting for her dress or on the way to the house" I responded.

I felt my child's eyes on me and I just laughed shaking my head. "Stop looking at me girl" She giggled "Fineeee I'll stop. Can we get a dog?"

"I'm assuming by we that means it will be kept at my house?" I asked. She nodded "Absolutely. Ouu maybe a frenchie? It's some people on instagram that sells them"

I scrunch my face up. "Number one I never said yes and two if I did say yes a frenchie is a hell no. If it's being kept at my house it will be like a mini golden doodle or something"

She sighed "Fineeee is that a yes?" She asked hopefully. I put the car in park before looking over at her. "I'll think about it. Come on"

After about two hours we were done. I was starving. I realized I left my phone in the car and picked it up to check my notifications. My eyes widened seeing I had missed calls and a text from Taraji.

I went to the closest flower shop to soften the attitude I knew I was going to get when I walked into the house.

Zion squinted her eyes at me. "What's the flowers for?" I scoffed "I can't get my woman flowers?" I asked. Zion snorted "Whatever you say mommy."

We pulled up to the house and I parked out front. Z grabbed her bags and I grabbed my things and the flowers and made sure Z walked in first.

If she seen her first she would forget all about the fact that I didn't respond to any calls within the last few hours. On accident!

I heard them both squeal and seen them hugging. "My babyyy oh my god your hair is ginger! This is so cute why didn't you show me." Taraji said rocking them side to side.

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