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Fantasia POV

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Fantasia POV

Small hands tapped me making my eyes flutter open. Dallas was standing there not being able to sit still. I sat up pulling him into a hug "Hi honey I didn't know you were home why didn't anybody wake me up? I thought you were going to see your grandparents? What's wrong baby boy?" I asked concerned.

"Ma told me to come get you she needs you downstairs" He said leaning on me and disregarding my other questions. "I watched your performance you did good mom!" I smiled and kissed his cheek "Aww! Thank you honey"

"We have to go downstairs mom" He groaned after I kept kissing his face. I scoffed. "Fineee let's go"

We went downstairs and Raji was standing at the stairs. Dallas ran over to the door still bouncing around. "Hey mama what's going on?" I said softly walking up to her and pecking her lips. She blushed and glanced over at Dallas. I smacked my lips. "Girl please he'll be alright. Can you answer my question you got me anxious and shit"

She snickered "Relax! I need you to close your eyes though" I straight faced her and she shot back a smile. Rolling my eyes I did as she asked before closing them. A few seconds later I heard the front door open and a lot of foot steps.

The hell was she up to. "Okay mom open your eyes right abouttttt now" Dallas said. I opened my eyes and gasped.

No she did not!

I immediately pouted picking up the puppy. "Oh my god! You are so stinking cute! Raj??"

She smiled "You like her?" I immediately nodded. "Yes! I love her oh my god...What's her name?" I asked looking between Raji and the man who brought her in. "Lola" I started to tear up. This woman done got me a damn dog.

"Ms. Barrino could I take a picture for my instagram page? If it's okay with you of course!" I nodded. "Absolutely! We can take it over here" After snapping a few pictures the man left.

I sat on the floor with Dallas playing with the little chocolate colored ball of energy. Taraji was snapping pictures of us. I beckoned her over and she sat on the floor with us. Lola was running between the three of us in excitement.

I looked back at Raji with tears pooling in my eyes. "Dallas go get the rest of the stuff you needed from your room your dad will be here soon." He did what she said. She chuckled and dabbed the tears away "Why you crying girl?" Laying my head on her I wiped my eyes. "Cause this is so sweet and she's the exact kind I wanted. Raj we talked about that at like 4am on the phone one night and you still remembered." I said through my tears and pouted.

Pecking my lips she continued to wipe my tears "Of course I did. I remember everything you say to me baby." She responded sweetly. "Thank you. I love you" I mumbled against her lips.

"I love you more Tay. You finally got a dog to feed at home" She joked making us both laugh. I shot my middle finger at her and she pretended to bite it. I took a video of Lola jumping around between my legs. In the corner you could see Taraji's nails but you'd have to pay attention to see.

I posted it on my instagram story with the caption "New edition to our family. Meet little Lola. Thank you my love🤍"

Taraji snickered "The fan pages are about to go absolutely psychotic" I laughed "They definitely are. I'm sure we'll be getting tagged by the shade room as well"

I looked up once the front door opened and watched as Keziah and Zion completely disregarded me and ran straight to the dog. I scoffed "Well I missed y'all too!"

Keziah grinned and hugged me "Hi Mommy" Rolling my eyes playfully I kissed her forehead "Hi Kezzy I missed you! You had a good day at school yesterday?" She nodded "Yes! Ms.Ross said I was e-exce...help?" I chuckled and Raji popped my arm. "Excellent Kezzy" She corrected making Keziah nod enthusiastically. "Yes excellent!"

Keziah sat in Raji's lap playing with her curls. I looked over at my oldest "Were you excellent at school too?" I teased. She laughed "I can't with you. You ate that performance down though Mommy!"

I pouted "Thank you baby" It doesn't matter how many people congratulate or compliment me and my performances it always hit different when my babies said it because everything I do is for them.

Dallas came rushing down the stairs. "I thought y'all were supposed to be in Raleigh right about now" I stated looking between Zion and Dallas. Z spoke up first "Dad's outside but he's on the phone with Ms.Capri. But we wanted to see y'all and the dog before we left plus Dal forgot his clothes."

I side eyed him "It was an accident!"

"I bet you didn't forget that ps5! I keep telling you necessities first!" I lectured. He sighed "Okay. Sorry mom" I ran my hands through his braids before kissing his forehead "It's okay you just have to up the responsibility a little bit"

"Y'all are acting like we gone be gone for years we gotta get on the road!" Kendall's loud ass said walking through the door. "Annnddd just like that the peace has been disturbed" I said. Taraji snickered. Kendall stale faced me.

"And you wonder why I bother you all the time. Alright y'all we do have to go though otherwise y'all grandma gone blame me somehow" All of the kids hugged Raji and I before filing out with Kendall right behind them.

The door shut and the only noise was Lola's paws tapping against the floor as she explored. Just looking at the puppy was healing my inner child. I leaned over to place a kiss on Raji's lips. I chuckled when she pulled me on top of her when I attempted to pull away. Her hands immediately settled on my ass.

Before things got too crazy I pulled back a little. "This is one of the sweetest things anybody has ever done for me. Thank you mama, seriously" I said passionately. Smiling she shook her head "You don't have to thank me. Just like you said you'd do anything for me I'd do anything for you too."

"I absolutely would do anything for you" I mumbled against her lips. She moaned into the kiss "Mm anything?" She asked suggestively. I raised an eyebrow "What you thinking?"

The energy in the room shifted. Her hands dipped into the waistband of my shorts. "Take these off for me" my eyes widened. I wasn't used to her being so bold in moments like these. "Baby right here? Lola is right the-"

"We can go upstairs" She said immediately. Her eyes had darkened and the look she was giving me sent chills through my body.


Yeah I was about to get my world rocked.
I'm so sorry😩Between work and school I been getting my ass kicked!

What's y'all fav song from cowboy Carter? Daughter and Ameriican Requiem?? Definitely top 5 like that woman is unreal!

I honestly thought about skipping the next spicy scene but I promised a double update so I'm not gone do that to y'all😂I'm writing it rn so it'll be out by tonight.

Vote, Comment, and Follow pls


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