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Omniscient POV

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Omniscient POV

"It's not one sided Tasia"

   With every step she took towards the bathroom Fantasia's heart seemed to beat a bit faster. She tried to calm herself down. The liquor she indulged in seemed to disappear from her system after the exchange from a few seconds ago. She prayed that this went well.

   Her shaky hands wrapped around the handle and she pulled the door open. She closed it and locked it so no one would interrupt.

  "Raji..." Fantasia called out softly. Taraji was leaning against the sink staring off into the distance. She was obviously elsewhere in her mind.

  Fantasia called Taraji's name out again making the shorter woman's eyes snap up to meet hers.

  There were no words spoken between the two. The eye contact they held was intense. The tension made the big bathroom feel very small despite it only being the two of them present.

  Like magnets the two slowly drew closer to each other. Fantasia a bit weary because she didn't want to overstep any boundaries.

"Taraji I'm so-" Taraji shook her head. "Why are you apologizing?" She asked making Fantasia shrug. "I feel like I did something to upset you...but I don't want to assume-"

Taraji sighed and held her hand out. Fantasia immediately interlocked their fingers pulling the woman closer.

"You didn't technically do anything. I just-seeing you-ugh" She was stumbling over her words and getting frustrated when she couldn't get them out.

"Breathe mama. I'm listening" Fantasia soothed.

"I-I love you Fantasia" Taraji declared hoping she was getting the message.

Tasia smiled and nodded caressing Taraji's cheek with her free hand. "I love you too Raji!"

Taraji chuckled and shook her head. "No Tasia...I love you. I'm in love...with you" for a few seconds her heart stopped. She slowly started to prepare herself for the possibility of rejection.

Fantasia's smile got even bigger. She softly grabbed Taraji's chin and placed the sweetest kiss onto her lips making the shorter woman gasp.

After pulling away they placed their foreheads together. Both with grins on their faces.

"Like I said I love you too Taraji. I've been in love with you for a while now. You know how long I been waiting for this moment?" Fantasia spoke looking into Taraji's eyes. Taraji blushed and buried her face in Tasia's neck making the taller woman laugh and wrap her arms around her.

"I know we have a lot of talking to do about where we go from here and other things but I'd prefer we didn't do that inside of this club bathroom. But what I do want to make clear is that I don't have eyes for anybody but you. You hear me? Not the Slutty Vegan worker and not Chloe. Nobody but you Taraji Penda Henson. Okay?" She said intensely looking into her eyes. Taraji nodded while smiling wide.

"Okay. I'm sorry for doing a lot. It was just...in my mind because we aren't together it seemed as if they had a chance. My jealousy got the best of me." Taraji explained playing with Fantasia's necklace.

"No need to apologize. You literally have my entire heart baby. It's always been you for me."

"I love you" Their lips met in a more passionate kiss making the both of them insanely giddy.

"I love you even more mama"

They both walked out of the bathroom hand in hand with big kool aid smiles on their faces.

Once Dani seen them she lit up and squealed.

Fantasia chuckled "Girl you don't even know what happened and you're squealing."

Dani crossed her arms and smirked "Well Raji's lipstick definitely wasn't the same shade as yours but now all of a sudden it is! And the fact that you two are smiling ear to ear I know all I need to!" The two women both blushed and told Dani to shut up.

Tasia went to sit down and Taraji sat in her lap. The younger woman's arms almost instinctively wrapped around her waist.

The three women were able to talk and laugh like they did every day on set. The bond they had was indescribable. It went so much deeper than just co stars because of what they went through together. The only way to simplify it is Danielle is their sister and they are hers.

"Sorry for stressing you Dani" Tasia said chuckling. Danielle waved her off. "It's alright girl! I'm sorry about the extra people. I didn't know until I got here but I should've texted"

Corey came over and smiled. Glad that everything seemed to be much better. He looked at Tasia and Raji. "Soooooo?" He wiggled his brows making the women laugh.

They both knew there was a lot they needed to talk about but for right now their declaration of their love for each other left them satisfied for the time being.

Alright alright alright y'all done bullying me now?🌚

I feel like this wasn't as good as I wanted it to be because it's much shorter than the other chapters.

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Hope yall enjoyed. Muah💋

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