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Taraji POV

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Taraji POV

I heard a muffled voice attempting to talk quietly. My eyes fluttered open adjusting to the now semi-dark living room. I stared straight ahead still not completely awake. I felt her rubbing circles on my back and I wiped the sleep out of my eyes.

"Goodnight my babies I'll call you both tomorrow okay? I love you" I smiled softly at her mommy voice. I looked up and we made eye contact. She blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it. She giggled softly before turning back to the phone.

She spoke to Kendall about the kid's extracurriculars and school. I was happy he wasn't being a bitter ex-husband and things are cordial between them. The last thing she needs is that.

They hung up after getting things situated. "Did I wake you, T? I'm sorry I was trying to be quiet"

I nodded my head "You did but it's okay. I probably needed to get up anyway. You been up this whole time? What time is it?"

"No I was sleep for about an hour but I wanted to make sure I was up to tell the kids goodnight. It's 8:25 you hungry mama?" She said softly still rubbing my back. I nodded and looked up at her with puppy dog eyes.

She straight-faced me "Whatchu want girl" I smiled innocently. "Promise to say yes?"

She furrowed her brows and shook her head "Absolutely the hell not"

I pouted "Tasia, please. Just say yes. It's nothing crazy"

"Raji..." She said looking at me blankly. I sighed heavily "If you say no I'm going to burst into tears."

She laughed and shook her head "You better not crazy ass girl. Tell me what it is"

"Remember that Vegan fried rice you made me?" She threw her head back and groaned "Rajiiiii. Right now? You probably don't even have everything here"

"For the most part, I do! We can send the runner to the store to get everything else. Tasia pleaseeee. You promised you would make it again for me. Please?" She looked at me and sighed heavily. She squinted at me before rolling her eyes. A smile broke out on my face. She was going to say yes.

"Get the list girl. Also, add the stuff for my fried rice too and a pack of shrimp" I grinned and pecked her cheek before calling the runner.

She was putting on a hoodie and a pair of sweats. I scrunched my face up "Where you going?"

"To get some clothes and my necessities girl. I'll be back" She was getting ready to walk out before I called her name. "Wait why not just check out and stay here? Unless you don't want to. It's okay if no-" She cut me off by pulling me to her. My heartbeat sped up.

"Relax you're rambling baby. I didn't know if you were serious or not but I'll stay. Give me an hour and I'll be back yeah?" I nodded as my eyes flickered between her brown ones and her full lips. She smirked and kissed my forehead before leaving out.

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