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Taraji POV

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Taraji POV

I woke up to the smell of food making my eyes pop open. I looked over and Fantasia wasn't in the bed like she was when we fell asleep.

The memories of yesterday started to flood my memory and I smiled. I put a pillow over my face and squealed into it. Ew I was acting like a teenage girl. What in the hell.

I got up to go do my morning routine before heading downstairs.

I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist laying my head on her back. "Goodmorning" I spoke almost shyly.

The fuck was wrong with me. Get it together bitch.

"Goodmorning my love. You sleep okay?" I nodded. She turned around and smiled at me placing a chaste kiss on my lips before turning back to the stove.

"This smells too good Tasia" I said watching her flip the pancakes.

"Thank you mama. Im making vegan pancakes, tofu "eggs", Acai bowls, and your nasty ass green drink is in the fridge. You need to go grocery shopping!" She said then scolded me towards the ends.

I playfully rolled my eyes "You only think I need to go grocery shopping because I don't really have anything non vegan in here" I went to the fridge and grabbed my drink.

She laughed before shrugging "You're not wrong"

"When you come back for the press run I'll have all of your regular food stocked up!" I said sneaking a strawberry. She popped my hand.

"Those are for the Acai bowls! Go sit down. Messing up my mojo girl"

I chuckled and went to sit at the island drinking my daily green juice. We talked about random things while she finished cooking not getting too deep just yet.

After we had breakfast we went out back to go sit down. "Serious talk time?" I asked. She chuckled and nodded. "Mhm serious talk time. You wanna go first?" I took a deep breath and nodded.

"So where do we go from here?" I asked. She looked at me. "Raji I want to be with you. I didn't tell you I was in love with you to just be your friend still mama. Eventually I want to marry you. I want to go through the rest life with you. We can take it as slow as we have to I don't mind." I looked over at her in admiration. She always knew what to say.

She was everything I've ever wanted.

"I haven't dated anyone in so long Tay. Especially in a healthy way. I have jealousy issues bad...as you've seen. My trust issues can be a bit much and I constantly need reassurance. I need you to bear with me. Take it slow." I said softly fiddling with my hands.

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