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Fantasia POV

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Fantasia POV

I burst through the hospital doors immediately walking to the receptionist who stared at me in awe. "Oh my god you-"

I cut her off "Taraji Henson. What room?" The girl's expression immediately changed to shock at my curt tone but I didn't have time for that right now.

"Ma'am I can't just give out room numbers...it's protocol" I furrowed my brows. "I'm her emergency contact and to be quite fucking frank I don't give a-"

A voice called out my name from behind me. "Ms Barrino...I'm Dr. Wilkes we spoke on the phone. You'll have to excuse Tamia she's new here. I can take you back right now she's in the VIP wing."

Nodding quickly we started walking. "Is she-"

"Yes! She's alive. Extremely bruised up but alive." I let out a sigh of relief before asking my next question. "What happened?"

"She was driving on the highway and I'm assuming the semi didn't see her and they hit her. Ms. Barrino it's a miracle that she made it out. Her car flipped numerous times and she made it out with a broken arm, some bruises, and a piece of glass pieced her side but it wasn't too deep to cause any serious injuries"

We stopped in front of the room and the doctor opened the door. I gasped seeing my baby bruised and bandaged up. Slowly getting closer I softly caressed her cheek as my eyes started watering.

I should've never let her leave. This is all my fault.

I cleared my throat. "Why isn't she awake?" I asked shakily. "We had to medicate her ma'am. She wouldn't let us treat her. She kept saying she had to get back home to you."

I should've listened better. This is all my fault.

"She should be waking up within the next hour. We'd like to keep her overnight. I think it would help if you stayed ma'am" I wasn't sure if he was just trying to make me feel better or what but I definitely wasn't leaving regardless.

I nodded "Okay. I wasn't planning on leaving anyway." I said softly.

"If there's anything you need Ms.Barrino don't hesitate to ask." The doctor said before the door closed.

Holding her hand that wasn't in the sling I kissed it. "I'm so sorry. I should've just listened! Damnit I should've listened and n-now you're in this damn hospital" I croaked with tears streaming down my face.

Curling up in the chair next to her bed I didn't let her hand go.

Sending a quick text to Dani and then Ken I put my phone in my pocket as I watched her sleep.

I didn't realize I dozed off until I felt her squeeze my hand. My eyes popped open. I immediately stood up. "You're up. I-I should call the doc-" She tugged on my hand pulling me back to her.

"Tasia-" I shook my head "Raj I have to get the-"

She cut me off again "Fantasia...baby come here" I stopped resisting and went closer. "Are you okay? Does anything hur-" She cut me off and pulled me down placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you" she mumbled against them.

"I love you too" I said with no hesitation. "I know you so well. Sometimes better than you know yourself. So I know you've probably been blaming yourself but it's not your fault. Okay?"

Looking away she shook her head before turning my head back to her. "Okay?" She asked again. Biting my lip I nodded. "Okay..." I mumbled.

She finally let me get up to get the doctor and he came in to check her over. "Okay Ms.Henson everything's looking good I still want to keep you overnight though. If all goes smoothly you'll be out of here before noon tomorrow"

Raji smiled politely and nodded. "Thanks doc I appreciate it. Sorry about the ruckus when u first got here" He chuckled and shrugged "it's alright I understand. I'll see you tomorrow morning. If you need anything just hit this button and Nurse Sheila will come asap."

The ginger haired man left out and I stayed in the corner.

Taraji sighed before scooting over and patting the side of the bed. I shook my head "No what if I hu-"

Tilting her head to the side she shot me that signature eyebrow raise making me get into the bed carefully.

Thankfully the VIP room beds were bigger. "Baby you have to stop blaming yourself" She said softly.

I laid my head on her shoulder that wasn't in the sling and hummed. "If I wouldn't have let you leave or if I would have just listened you wouldn't have left" I mumbled playing with my bracelet she got me.

"Uht Uht no what ifs. What happened...happened and it's okay. I'm here and we're good!" She kissed my forehead.

I took a deep breath and nodded "I'm sorry-"

"Nope. I am not about to let you apologize for this accident crazy girl" I huffed and looked at her. "Okay well let me apologize for not listening and responding how I did to you." I pleaded.

I needed to say it because whether she wanted to hear it or not if I would have listened and responded better we wouldn't be here right now.

She sighed before nodding. "I'm sorry. I should've actually listened to understand and not just respond. How I responded to you escalated the situation when you were just trying to help me understand your feelings. I'm so sorry mama" I spoke with my voice cracking a little.

Raji dabbed my inner corners to try and catch the tears. "I forgive you baby. We're good I promise." Laying my head on her shoulder I felt my eyes start to close. "I love you so much" I mumbled. I was beyond tired but couldn't bring myself to fall asleep.

"I love you so much more pretty girl. Close your eyes I'll still be right here when you get up" She said soothingly.

"I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you" I said sleepily. Taraji chuckled "You can take care of me by going to sleep so I can go back to sleep too."

Getting comfortable we cuddled up in the hospital bed falling asleep.

And y'all was in them comments acting like I was gone send Raji into a coma!😂

Sigh I'd appreciate it if all my fave writers would update🌚

Vote, Comment, and Follow plsss


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