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Taraji POV

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Taraji POV

I love this woman with everything in me. She is quite literally the love of my life and the only person I'd ever truly love this deeply. But I was ready to choke the hell out of her right now.

I had been home for about 3 days and she was practically hovering. She was also very sensitive right now so I couldn't just say she needed to step back but good lord. Also, I know letting her do this helped with the guilt that she would never express outwardly to me but it was 3 days of her treating me like I was a fragile vase that would break at the slightest touch.

I watched her move through the bedroom. By this point she has asked me 3 different times if the temperature in the room is okay, if I needed more pillows, and a million other things.

I couldn't take this anymore.

"You sure you don't want the heating pad? It could help with the side pai-" I sighed and grabbed her hand. "Baby shh come here sit down for a sec. Let's talk."

She sat on the bed in front of me and looked at me with concerned eyes. "Baby...you know I love you so much" I said sweetly. Tasia smiled, not her smile she usually has that's so bright and shows all of her teeth but a smile nonetheless. "I love you too mama"

"I love how sweet and compassionate and caring you are too. But I need you to relax just a little bit" She furrowed her brows. "Tasia...you're still blaming yourself for something that you had no control over. It's causing you to...hover a little and treat me like I'll break at any second and I can't-I'm still me just with an arm cast and a bandage on my side."

She chuckled and rubbed her face with her hands. "I'm sorry I just-I just want to make sure you're okay" she mumbled. My eyes softened and I rubbed her legs soothingly. "I know my love and I love you for that but I am okay. If I need anything I promise I'll let you know but I need you to calm down and try to just...be. Okay?"

She nodded and glanced at the bandage on my side. Her eyes flashed with a hint of sadness and I shook my head. "Tasia..."

Clearing her throat she stood up not giving me a chance to say anything. "Um I'm going to go check on the food. You want Gatorade or lemonade?" I sighed. "Gatorade please"

I watched as she nodded and quickly left out of the room. Throwing my head back against the pillow I huffed. I didn't know how else to explain to her that the accident wasn't her fault.

Lola whined next to me bringing me out of my thoughts. I snickered "I'm sorry stinka am I thinking too loud for you?"

I heard quick footsteps coming to the door and I smiled already knowing who they belonged to. Lola popped up and flew off the bed hiding in the corner. Before I even had the chance to laugh or console her the door flew open as Z, Dallas, and Keziah came in with concerned looks. "Mama! Are you okay?" Zion and Dallas asked in unison.

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