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Fantasia POV

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Fantasia POV

It was officially Friday and while I was sad that I wouldn't see my babies for a whole week I was excited to see my woman.

I couldn't wait until they went on Christmas break so I could have them with me.

At the moment I was trying to make sure we made it out of the house to get them some Chick-fil-A and to school on time.

"Keziah baby you know you can't take the Barbie to school. Put it in your bag and your daddy will have it for you when you get out"

"She wants to go with me!" She exclaimed talking with her hands. I sighed. "Honeybun she'll be okay for a few hours. I promise she won't be sad for long."

I had tried to reason with her over this Barbie for the past three minutes. Only my 4-year-old would choose now to worry about her Barbie's feelings.

"But mommy...look at her face!" She pouted. "I am and she looks just fine to me. This isn't up for discussion. Put her in the bag or back in your room. One or the other" She folded her arms almost copying my stance making me tilt my head.

She stuffed the Barbie in the bag and stood by the door in silence. This child of mine. She had my attitude. Lord give me the strength.

"Dallas I hope you have every wire and controller needed I will not be turning around" I warned opening the front door.

"I do Mom I checked already" He said picking up their bags and taking them to the car. They both got into the car and I got on the highway. After getting their food I pulled up to Dallas' school.

"I love you baby boy I'll see you in a week okay? Have a good day!" He nodded and reached up to hug me and kissed my cheek.

"Okay love you too Mom. See you later Ziah" They hugged making me smile. As we headed to Keziah's school she was still quiet making me chuckle.

"You mad at me lil mamas?" I asked looking in the mirror. She sighed and shrugged. The dramatics. "I wasn't trying to be mean honeybun I just don't want you to get in trouble at school and they take it away."

"I don't want her to be sad Mommy!" She looked so pitiful. She really knew how to lay it on thick. "How about this? I'll make sure your daddy puts her in her favorite pajamas in your room so she won't be sad."

She contemplated for a minute and looked at me. "With princess and the frog playing?" She asked making me smile and nod. "Yes honeybun" We pulled up in front of the school.

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