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Fantasia POV

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Fantasia POV

(A few days later)

I handed the last duffel bag to the driver before walking back into the house. Taraji was standing in the living room pouting. I chuckled seeing her face and she rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen. I was amused at the fact that she was acting like a big-ass baby right now.

I walked into the kitchen and she was sitting on the counter with a glass of that nasty-ass green juice she drinks in the morning. "Taraji" I called out.

"Fantasia" She snapped back not looking up. I smiled and went to stand between her legs grabbing her phone from her hand.

"I'm not liking this attitude mama" I teased. She looked at me blankly. "Well we all can't get what we want can we?"

I laughed. "Taraji I'm literally going to see you in 3 weeks." She huffed "I know. I'm so used to seeing you every day that I don't know what I'm going to do with myself" She said fixing my necklaces.

"You act like you're not going to be busy as hell." She rolled her eyes "All I'm hearing is that you can't wait to leave and you're not going to miss me"

I laughed and popped her thigh making her smile a little "Shut up! You know I'm going to miss you but we both got things to get done, baby. Plus these children of mine seem to be running their father to the point of insanity" She giggled knowing how Keziah and Dallas could be.

I watched as her eyes analyzed my entire face. Something I've caught her doing a lot since I've met her but especially these past few weeks. They snapped to my eyes and the tension in the air thickened in a way you could almost cut it with a knife.

"What?" I asked softly. She smiled and shook her head "Nothing. I love you Tay" I kissed her cheek. "I love you too mama"

Before either of us could say anything else I heard a honk making me roll my eyes. She chuckled. "You gotta go. You can't be late for my stinkabutt's recital" I smiled at her mentioning Keziah. I loved that she was close with my kids.

Whole time she their future step mom

We walked out to the front door and I pulled her into my embrace. "I'll see you soon mama okay?" She nodded "Okay. If you don't answer my FaceTimes when I call you we gone have a problem ma'am"

I grinned "Okay Raji. I'll let you know when I make it home" She blew me a kiss before I got into the truck and I pretend to catch it. We pulled off and I sighed.

Some hours later

We pulled up to my house and from the outside so far so good. Once I got out I grabbed my bag and suitcase before thanking the driver. I seen both of my cars in the same spot I left them and in good shape. Okay maybe my child didn't do anything crazy.

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