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Fantasia POV(I did not proofread this excuse any errors)

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Fantasia POV
(I did not proofread this excuse any errors)

"Tasia what you wearing?" I heard Taraji call out from the closet.

"Right now? Nothing" I said pressing powder underneath my eyes with a grin. It was silent for a minute before she peaked into the bathroom.

"A robe is not nothing. I was tricked." She said frowning. I laughed and looked over at her. "Not you came to see. Freaky ass. Give me a kiss and go get dressed." I said eyeing her.

She was in a white panty and bra set. "But I'm the freaky one?" She teased. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Girl come here" I demanded.

She wrapped her arms around my neck leaning up to kiss my lips. "Happy now?" She teased. I laughed picking the brush back up. "Ecstatic" I said back.

She moved to stand behind me wrapping her arms around me. She was attempting to be discreet but I knew she was trying to feel up on my ass. "You just want to be up on my booty"

She cackled and rested her forehead on my back. "Mmm maybe. You still haven't said what you're wearing." She said watching me through the mirror.

"All black mama. A black bodysuit and a cropped blazer" I said back to her. She nodded. "Okay. Hurry up baby we gotta go soon!" She said walking out.

I watched her walk away while shaking my head in amazement. My woman fine as hell and got a body on her!

I'm no better than a man.

After finishing my makeup and begging dressed we were finally leaving out. We made it to the building and of course we were the last ones to arrive. Once we got in we spotted Colman talking to someone.

"Y'all love to be late! You both look fabulous though!" Colman said making us laugh. "Look at you in this purple I know that's right Col!" Taraji said back making me agree.

He hugged us both kissing us on our cheeks before leading us to everyone else. We greeted everyone and I looked around because I didn't see Dani.

I looked over at Raji. "You see Dani?" I asked. She shook her head scoping the area out. "No I'm about to ask Corey. I'll be back"

I felt two hands cover ny eyes before I heard in my ears. "You told harpo to beat me??" I busted out laughing turning around to hug her.

"Hi sistah girl. We were looking for you!" I said as we rocked side to side.

"I was talking to Ms.O about how this would go. You ready? I'm gone need you to behave yourself for Raji's sake." She teased. I frowned. "I want y'all to stop saying that I can behave!"

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