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Taraji POV

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Taraji POV

"So you'd rather live in the same world as the hulk and them??" I asked incredulously. Tasia looked at me a laughed. "Over the Jurassic Universe? Hell yes!"

"Captain Marvel could literally blast her way through this cabin being chased by aliens" She reached over to grab another cookie.

"Okay but the aliens wouldn't be chasing us! We'd be fine. But if a T-Rex was walking around here it doesn't matter who it's originally chasing we're done for!" She explained. "But tha-" she placed a kiss on my lips shutting me up.

"How about we say neither and stay in this world where there's no superheroes or dinosaurs"

I chuckled and nodded "Boringgg but okay" We were on the big sectional in the living room indulging in snacks relaxing after our day out. We had played different card games, watched a few movies, and took a walk. We found this cute little lake and attempted to skip rocks which I absolutely sucked at.

I took so many cute Polaroid pictures Tasia bought me. This has been my top 3 weekends and I was so sad we were leaving tomorrow morning even though Tasia promised we'd come back often.

We were laying with my back to Tasia's chest. Her arm was around my waist drawing different patterns on my stomach.

"What were you like when you were younger?" She asked softly while I was tracing her hand tattoo, something I had a habit of doing lately.

I chuckled "As a kid? Bad as hell! It took one ass whooping and I was set straight girl. I always had a smart mouth on me though. No whooping could ever take that out of me. I always talked about how I wanted to act and sing and dance. I wanted to go to this performing arts school for high school and got denied. My little heart was so broken. I went home and cried in my parents' arms. Like crocodile tears." I paused to take a bite out of the bottom of her cookie. She straight faced me and I blew her a kiss cheekily.

She rolled her eyes playfully "keep going!" She urged.

"Okay um yeah went to a regular high school I hated it so bad. All of the kids were assholes. I didn't really get into any real fights. I'd argue like hell though. I didn't really fit in anywhere I was just...me. I didn't really grow up grow up until my freshman year of college. Whew I was wild as hell." She smiled down at me.

"You were a party girl?" I snickered and shrugged. "Yeah kind of. Don't get me wrong the work got done but on the weekends? I was the life of the partayyy."

She laughed "The things I'd do to go back and see college Taraji" She said. I shook my head "Oh absolutely not. I'm so glad no videos or anything resurfaced." I got a headache just thinking about all the things I did in college and thanking god social media wasn't a big thing.

"You ever rode a horse?" I asked. She looked at me in confusion but nodded. "Yeah. My uncle had a bunch of horses and during the summer I'd be at the stable all the time. Why?"

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