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Fantasia POV(3 weeks later)

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Fantasia POV
(3 weeks later)

I was currently laughing so hard that my stomach was cramping up. Meanwhile Taraji was looking at me with a mug on her face. "Girl please. Fix your face!" I said still laughing a bit.

She huffed and frowned "I'm trying to be serious and you're laughing at me."

Shaking my head I opened my laptop. "Baby your arm is literally in a sling and your side isn't fully healed yet. We are not doing anything until you are"

Her jaw dropped "I have to wait three weeks?!" She said with the most pitiful look. I laughed before looking at her. "Yes! You can wait three weeks mama plus that's what the doctor ordered!"

She mugged me "I'm grown that doctor can't tell me what to do with my life!"

"Taraji yes he can! He's the doctor!" I said in amusement.

I watched as she sat on the other end of the couch with a pout on her face. I snickered and set my laptop down crawling over to her. I began placing soft kisses all over her face and finally her lips. She eventually pulled away before looking at me defiantly.

"Uht uht don't try and kiss me now. You just put me on pussy punishment!" I giggled before popping her thigh. "Cut it out!"

She squinted at me in an attempt to hide her smile. I grinned goofily knowing she wouldn't be able to hold it in for long. "Move girl! All in my face" she said playfully. I chuckled before placing a kiss on her exposed stomach. "Baby can you go get my tru fru's out of the freezer?" She asked smoothing out my eyebrows.

I tapped my chin as if I had to think about it. She gasped and pinched me. "You been getting real domestic lately imma call them people on you!" I joked getting up to go get her snack.

I heard Raj cackling making me smile. Grabbing the frozen treat from the freezer I went ahead and grabbed my mango outshine bar.

Sitting on the couch we ate our snack as I went back to responding to emails and checking to see what upcoming events I had.

"Can we have a cookout?" I heard Raj ask randomly. Glancing up at her I shrugged. "I mean I don't see why not. It's getting hot outside anyway. When do you want to do it mama?"

She hummed and thought on it. "Let's do the week after the last award ceremony. My cast will be off and we could have a little celebration to wrap up the end of this era"

I smiled softly and nodded. "I like that. Yeah let's do it" she clapped excitedly making me smile.

About an hour later the tv seemed to not be doing it for her anymore. "Tasiaaaa are you almost done? I'm bored!"

I chuckled and nodded "Yes mama I'm almost done" I spoke softly finishing up the short set list for an upcoming appearance.

A little while later I heard her speak but not to me. Glancing up she was talking to her phone and I realized she was live. "Hi my lovessss. Oh lord don't y'all start!" She said giggling.

I kept poking her thigh with my toe making her look up at me. She shook her head before looking down at her phone. I watched her face flush as she laughed "Mind y'all business! Y'all worried about the wrong things chile"

She answered a few questions before she read one out loud that caught my attention. "Where is Fantasia? Umm I don't know probably at home? I haven't seen her in a little bit"

My baby was way too good at lying cause I almost believed it myself. "Let us see your toes?? Oh see I need to get off of here what y'all need to see my toes for?!"

I quickly put a pillow over my face to conceal my giggles.

"What post are y'all talking about?" She asked. After a minute or two she nodded "Oh yeah! She sent me a picture of the dog she is too cute!"

Once she got off live and incoming FaceTime from Dani came through. "Why is yall playing in these people's face!" She said through her laughter.

I raised my hands in surrender. "I have no parts! That was Raji!"

Taraji chucked and shrugged "It's only funny because they don't know whether to believe me or not. Oh! Dani we having a cookout sometime after the naacp awards!"

I let her grab the ipad to give more details to Dani while I finished up my work. A few minutes later the door opened and my 3 monsters came in with their bald headed father.

"Hi my babies!" Raj said as they attacked her with hugs. "Well shit hey to y'all too!" I said playfully.

They all snickered before coming to hug me. "Hey light bright!" Raj greeted Ken. We all laughed as he stale faced her. "Hi cripple" my jaw dropped and I threw a pencil at him.

"Not too much on her! My baby getting her cast off in three weeks!" I said mugging him. He sarcastically jumped like he was scared. He flicked me in my forehead making Lola come and bark at him.

Dallas and Keziah thought it was the funniest thing ever making me laugh too.

"Mommy what's for dinner?" Keziah said rubbing her eyes.

"It's Friday so pot luck! As long as it's on DoorDash it doesn't matter to me" I said smoothing out her hair. She nodded before laying her head on my leg.

It was definitely her nap time. Zion got up on the couch to lay on Raj and Dallas started playing with Lola on the floor.

"So when are you two going to let me plan a wedding" Kendall said smiling. Rolling my eyes I chuckled. "You won't be planning a damn thing!"

He scoffed and held his chest as if he was hurt. "Wow Fanny I see how it is."

I threw another pencil at him for that nickname. He always calls me that when he wants to piss me off. "Bye. I don't like my peace being disturbed."

Ken snickered and said bye to the kids before heading out. "Oh baldy! Let Capri know we'll be having a cookout and her son is invited too!" Raj said flipping through different tv shows.

He nodded his head "Okay I'll let her know. Y'all be safe D come lock this door." Lola followed Dallas all the way to the door and back. She was so attached to him it was the cutest thing ever.

Grabbing my phone I discreetly took a picture of all of them before smiling.

A little while later we had gotten our food and settled down to watch a movie. Taraji and I cuddled up in the corner of the couch and the rest of them squeezed as close to us as possible. Glancing down at Raj her attention was on the movie giving me more time to admire her.

Her eyes connected with mine and she furrowed her brows. "What's wrong?" She said lowly. I shook my head with a smile. "Nothing. I love you mama"

She grinned and leaned up to softly kiss my lips. "I love you even more" she mumbled against my lips.
Just some cute Tarasia vibes as a filler

I have another book idea but I want to finish this up first before bringing out something else. It will be a little angsty and not as easygoing for sure.

Can we talked about Raji and them fangs?? I almost ate my phone like

I hope y'all enjoyedddd

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