Figuring things out

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Sean POV
"Naya, I don't think I can be friends with's too hard...would you be open to us seeing each other again?", I asked wiping the tears off my face.
Naya moved her hand off mine slowly and itched her head briefly.
"I don't know...things aren't the same anymore you know I'm a mom now... I'm working my music and on a series filmed on the east coast for six months", she responded frantically.
"Naya, I will do whatever I can to make this work...we don't even have to date yet...just hang out and get to now each other again but also regain your trust", I explained knowing I can't let her walk out of my life.
"I'll think about it, Sean", she said looking back at me.
I nodded my head considering how things initially ended her response was valid.
"Well at least you didn't come over so I can listen to a new diss track about me", she said smirking at me.
I laughed and shook my head.
"I'm sorry Naya, it was how I was feeling in the moment finding out you got married", I apologized feeling, so bad after remembering that.
"It's okay, how many people can say that they have a successful rap song about them", she brushed it off her shoulder and laughed.
"It's getting late and this my last night to myself for a little while", she said picking up her phone checking the time.
"Okay, I'll head out but here's my new phone number by the way, so we don't have to go through instagram", I said and put the number in her phone.
Naya walked me toward the door and I turned around to give her a hug. I was tense at first, but she hugged back. I walked toward my car and before her closing the front door.
"Think about it", I yelled and drove off.
Naya POV
I moved my hand off his slowly and itched my head in confusion.
"I don't know...things aren't the same anymore you know I'm a mom now... I'm working my music and on a series filmed on the east coast for six months", I  ranted.
"Naya, I will do whatever I can to make this work...we don't even have to date yet...just hang out and get to now each other again but also regain your trust", Sean explained.
"I'll think about it, Sean", I said looking back at me.
"Well at least you didn't come over so I can listen to a new diss track about me", I said smirking at him.
Sean took the joke well  and shook my head.
"I'm sorry Naya, it was how I was feeling in the moment finding out you got married", he apologized. I could tell he was sincere.
"It's okay, how many people can say that they have a successful rap song about them", I responded and laughed.
"It's getting late and this my last night to myself for a little while", I said picking up my phone checking the time.
"Okay, I'll head but here's my new phone number by the way, so we don't have to go through instagram", he said and I gave him my phone to insert the number in my phone.
I walked Sean toward the door and he turned around to give me  a hug. I was taken aback, but I hugged back. Sean walked toward his car and before the closing the front door.
"Think about it", Sean yelled and drove off.
What the hell is happening...did Sean just admit that he has feelings for me...It's not like I don't have love for him, but how can I trust him again. I called the one person who was there from the moment I started speaking to Sean years ago.
The phone dialed then I heard
"Hey bee, what's happening boo?", I  laughed hearing Kevin Mchale's voice.
"Before you freak out I know this is crazy... Sean reached out to me and came over nothing crazy happened... but he did confess feelings for me and wants to give it another try...slightly reconsidering it", I blurted out before he could get a word in.
"Josey's not I'm coming over cuz I can't do this over the phone. I'll be there at 6 pm", Kevin said.
"Okay, see you soon bee", I said and hung up.
a few hours later
Kevin rang the bell since he knows the security code to the gate. I opened up and smiled since only Kevin mchale can humor me with just a look.
"Please, tell me you didn't wear that when he was here", Kevin sat on the couch and drank the wine I set up for us.
"What's wrong with my outfit", I asked looking at my outfit.
"Naya be so fucking for-real right look so hot and beautiful that I'm even thinking about pouncing on you", Kevin smirked with a wink in my direction.
"I'm so sorry that my figure makes things appeared sexy on me", I complained in my defense.
We laughed at my comment together.
"Sean was good to you up until a certain point, but what about the pain he caused", Kevin explained looking at me.
"I know that, but you know I loved him and it was the happiest I was in a relationship honestly", I said thinking about the good and bad of Sean and I relationship.
"Just if you do bee... please go slow...especially after your accident don't go too fast", Kevin warned and I knew he was right.
Kevin spent two hours at my place then went home. I had just an hour before Ryan dropped Josey off and we put him to bed together then left.
I went to bed with a lot on my mind that night...

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