New Year, New Dilemma

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I woke up at 10 a.m., exhausted from the night before. I turned over and saw Sean still sound asleep, so I headed downstairs to make breakfast. I just decided to put some mix into the waffle maker, as I thought of last night. Did Sean really mean what he said, including "I can see myself with you until the sun burns out"? Was he serious about thinking he was in love with me?
I know we have a deep history, but we just started dating again. I do care for Sean. I mean, he's so cute, attentive, caring, and funny...hold up, do I love Sean?
"Morning, gorgeous," Sean said, walking into the kitchen and breaking my thoughts.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" I asked while he sat on the bar stool.

"Great, especially after last night. I should bring in the New Year with you more often", Sean said with a smirk, causing me to giggle.

"I'm glad you had fun. It was definitely a night to remember", I responded.

"What are your plans for the day?" Sean asked as I took the waffles out and put them on a plate.

"I have to pick up Josey at 1 p.m. from my mom, then just pack a little bag for us to head back from Atlanta," I informed him while sitting down next to him, taking a bite out of the waffles.

"I'll head out at 12:15 then so you can pick him up," Sean said to me.

"Josey can never stay up to swatch the ball drop, but I kind of miss him," I confessed despite being away from him for a full 24 hours.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that; I was wondering if you'd be comfortable with me meeting him?" Sean asked, causing me to freeze.

"Umm, I'm not sure, honestly. Introducing you to Josey is a big step", I said, scratching my head.

"Okay, whenever you are ready, I'm open to it," Sean said, but his whole demeanor changed.

"It's nothing we could rush into; it's a delicate situation," I said, reassuring him that it had nothing to do with him.

"It's understandable; it's fine. I forgot that I have to finish up some final decisions on the album, so I'm a head out earlier, Sean said, checking his Rolex. I didn't respond because I knew Sean was lying and feeling upset. How do I even go about a situation like this, though? Sean is the first guy I've dated since my divorce who doesn't have a child. I've technically only dated two guys since my divorce, and only one was serious enough to introduce the guy into Josey's life. My ex and I would just claim it was a play date because Josey and his children were close in age. Ryan met my ex, and they were cordial, but I don't have the best hopes for Sean since the two already have harsh opinions of each other. Sean got dressed and gave a brief kiss before leaving. Ugh, we had such a good night, and now this? I decided to just shower and get ready to pick up Josey, considering it was 12:03 p.m. on the drive to my mom's house. I played all the music I could to take my mind off Sean. I arrived early, by 15 minutes, and headed inside.

"Mommy!" Josey yelled as he ran up, hugging me.

"How's my favorite little man", I said, picking him up.

"Grandma was showing me pictures of you as a baby. She thinks we look alike," Josey said as I walked over with him still in my arms to the couch my mom was sitting on.

"Look at this picture. He's just a boy version of you," my mom said, showing me the photos.

 He's just a boy version of you," my mom said, showing me the photos

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"I guess as much as he got his daddy genes, he is my little twin," I said, seeing Josey and I have the same facial expressions.

"Josey, you watch some TV. Mommy and Grandma are going to go pack up your stuff," I said, looking over at my mom, indicating I needed to talk to her. We both got up and went to the dining room, where I could still glance in on Josey.

"What's wrong, baby?" my mom asked, which caused tears to stream down my face, not being able to hold in anyone's emotions.

"I think I messed it up with Sean. I screwed it," I said as I tried to keep quiet so Josey wouldn't hear me crying.

"Naya, just breathe, sit down, and tell me what happened," my mom said, rubbing my back and moving me to sit on one of the dining room chairs.

"Sean asked to meet Josey, and all I said was that's important and shouldn't be rushed, then he created some excuse and left," I explained while trying to calm down.

"Naya, you are a mother; you did nothing wrong if you do not believe you are at that stage," my mother said, holding my hand.

"I know, but I can see something of a potential future either way, Sean, and you should have seen his face; he was so hurt," I said, crying harder, remembering Sean's expression when I told him.

"Baby, there's nothing else you could have said to make him feel better. Just give Sean some time; he'll understand," my mother said, wiping away my tears.

"I know," I whispered to her. My mom gave a tight hug to Josey and me before heading home. Sean only messaged me to let me know that he was home. I was honestly afraid to ask how Sean was doing, so I didn't have any contact with him for the rest of the day. I went to bed thinking about how I would even introduce Josey to Sean when it came to that point.


I turned over to cuddle with Naya and felt the space next to me. I sat up in the bed to hear noises from downstairs. I headed downstairs, seeing Naya in the kitchen, deep in thought, gazing at the waffle maker. This woman is so gorgeous and unique that I doubt she even realizes it. I have been thinking about furthering our relationship, and after last night, I was more sure than ever. When we were on the dance floor, I felt as if the rest of the world had slowed down—just like in a movie. Naya locked her beautiful eyes as the music stilled, and all I saw was her. After our fun last night, when Naya was asleep, I said aloud, "I think I'm in love with her," since that was how I felt.

"Morning, gorgeous," I said, walking into the kitchen and breaking her thoughts.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" Naya asked as I sat on the bar stool.

"Great, especially after last night. I should bring in the New Year with you more often", I replied with a smirk, causing me to giggle.

"I'm glad you had fun. It was definitely a night to remember, Naya responded, blushing.

"What are your plans for the day?" I asked as Naya took the waffles out and put them on a plate.

"I have to pick up Josey at 1 p.m. from my mom, then just pack a little bag for us to head back from Atlanta," Naya said while sitting down next to me, taking a bite out of the waffles.

"I'll head out at 12:15 then so you can pick him up," I said to her, trying to maximize our time together.

"Josey can never stay up to swatch the ball drop, but I kind of miss him," Naya admitted, smiling, looking at the picture of Joesy on the wall.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that; I was wondering if you'd be comfortable with me meeting him?" I asked, which I can tell caught Naya off guard.

"Umm, I'm not sure, honestly. Introducing you to Josey is a big step", Naya said nervously, scratching her head.

"Okay, whenever you are ready, I'm open to it," I said, but I was devastated because maybe she didn't want to progress.

"It's nothing we could rush into; it's a delicate situation," Naya said, trying to comfort me, realizing I was hurt.

"It's understandable; it's fine. I forgot that I have to finish up some final decisions on the album, so I'm a head out earlier, I said, checking my watch and heading upstairs to change.

Naya didn't argue with me because I believe that she knew it was a sensitive situation. I gave Naya a quick kiss before heading home. We kept our communication non-existent for the rest of the day, besides when I let her know I got home. The whole day, all I could think of was whether Naya saw our relationship progressing at all. Was it really a timing issue? Was Naya just not sure about me?

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