Release Party

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When I saw Sean's reaction to turning him down to attend his album release party, I could tell he was disappointed. I knew that the party was on the 30th, and I just needed advice on whether I was doing the right thing. The only person I call for advice, especially in terms of parenting, I waited while the phone rang until I heard it pick up.

"Mom, I need your wisdom," I said to her as I lay down in bed.

"Talk to me, baby," my mom responded.
"You know how I told you about what Josey's therapist said. If I leave for a few days again, that would be so damaging to him. But Sean has invited me to his album release party next week, and I had to turn him down. I'm doing the correct thing, right?" I ranted to my mother while she just listened.

"Naya, Josey should be your priority, and you treat him as such. You have neglected to even attend to your health because you have been preoccupied with Josey. You can take a break and go to Sean's release party," my mom advised me.

"But what if Josey feels abandoned or freaks out? I have to be there for him. I have already put him through too much." I expressed my concern.

"Sweetie, all you do is work and take care of Josey. When are you going to start taking care of yourself?" said my mom.

"You make it seem easy. The party is back in LA. I don't want to be that far away from Josey," I replied.

"So bring Josey back to LA. You go to the party, and I can watch him," my mom suggested.
"I just don't want Josey to hate me," I confessed.
"How are you supposed to help Josey get better if you aren't trying to get better yourself? You don't think I know deep down that the incident harmed you both?" my mother inquired.
"You have a point," I replied, not answering my mother's questions.
"Please, stop being so hard on yourself, said my mom before hanging up the phone.


I woke up exhausted from the flight last night. I'm just grateful Ryan was okay with us coming back home for the weekend and even decided to join us. Ryan wasn't enthusiastic that I was going to Sean's party, but he knew that he couldn't stop me. Ryan was planning on going to my mom's with Josey until I got home. I have a long day ahead of me since I have to do my hair, nails, and makeup and decide my outfit. Most importantly, I have to make sure I arrive on time to meet up with J. Cole because I DM'd him so I could surprise Sean. I got out of bed early to work out, then headed downstairs to begin breakfast. I made porridge for breakfast and decided to let it cool while I headed upstairs to check on Josey and Ryan. I peeked in on Josey, who was sound asleep in his bed. I quietly opened the door to the guest room and saw Ryan on his phone.
"You alright?" Ryan asked as I was just about to shut the door.

"Yeah, I just came to check on you guys. Breakfast is done when you're ready," I replied.

"Alright, thanks," Ryan said as I headed back downstairs. I was sharing out some of the porridge in a bowl when Ryan came downstairs.

"How late are you going to be out tonight?" asked Ryan, sitting down on the bar stool.

"Umm, the latest I should be is 1 a.m. since the event begins at 7 p.m. tonight," I replied.

"Are you guys going to be at Mom's or here by that time?" I asked, unsure of the plan.

"Probably back here," Ryan replied. All of a sudden, we heard loud footsteps rushing downstairs, and we saw Josey dashing into the kitchen.

"Morning," said Josey with a little smile.

"Here's your breakfast," I said, placing the bowl of porridge in front of Josey.

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