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Fuck! What is Josey even doing up and opening the front door at this time of night? Josey just stood there in his pajamas, looking between Sean and me.

"Oh, this is my friend, Sean," I said, glancing over to Sean.

"Oh, hi Sean, I'm Josey Hollis Dorsey," Josey said, looking at Sean. Despite this situation being awkward and nerve-wracking, I couldn't help but admire my little boy's manners.

"Hi, Josey. I like cyborg too," said Sean, noticing Josey's pajamas.

"Yeah, he's way cooler than Robin," Josey replied, causing me to smile a little since this could have been worse.

"Come on, Josey, let's go inside. Thanks, Sean," I said, ushering Josey inside as I waved goodbye and blew Sean a discrete kiss before closing the front door.

I walked into the house and saw Ryan asleep on the couch, so I covered him with a blanket.
"I guess Daddy fell asleep on you," I said, looking at my son.

"Yeah, we got home from Granny's, and he only stayed up through one episode of Teen Titans," said Josey.

"Well, I'm going upstairs to change into my PJs. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" I asked Josey, who looked tired.

"Yeah, I was waiting up for you," Josey replied as we walked upstairs to my bedroom. I cleaned up and changed clothes, coming back to my bed and seeing Josey fast asleep. I crawled into bed and just stared at the ceiling. How am I going to tell Ryan that Sean and Josey have met?

My eyes squinted as I felt a hot beam on my face, and I slowly opened my eyes, seeing it was morning. I checked my phone, and seeing it was 10 a.m., I looked over and saw Josey still asleep. My charming baby patiently waited for my return and now has met Sean, with whom Ryan won't be pleased. As much as Ryan and I can bicker, I would never disrespect his wishes, especially when it's something this serious involving our kid. At least Josey didn't seem to be uncomfortable or weirded out by Sean, so I'll take that as a mini-victory. I headed downstairs to see Ryan up and cooking breakfast for us.

"When did you get in?" asked Ryan, setting a plate in front of me.

I was about to respond until I heard Josey call.

"Mommy?" yelled Josey from upstairs.

"Yes, I'm in the kitchen," I yelled, hearing Josey run downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning, baby," I said, hugging Josey as he sat on a bar stool.

"I got in minutes to 1 am, and Josey was surprisingly up," I said, eating some toast.

"I got to meet Mommy's friend, Sean. He seems cool," said Josey as Ryan's head immediately turned in my direction.

"Is that so?" said Ryan, looking between Josey and me.

"Yeah, Sean likes cyborg like me," responded Josey while I just kept looking at my food, suddenly losing my appetite.

"Jojo, you can go watch TV and eat breakfast in the living room," I said, looking over to my son as I felt Ryan's eyes burning into my head. Josey headed to the living room, and as soon as I heard the TV, I turned my attention to Ryan.

"You are such a fucking manipulative ass bitch," said Ryan.

"Excuse me??? You don't even know what happened, and you already think I did it intentionally," I said, offended that Ryan would think I'd go behind his back.

"You're telling me that little prick you wanted to meet our son so badly just coincidentally had the chance to meet him all of a sudden," protested Ryan.

"Yes, and you're not even letting me explain what happened," I yelled, getting annoyed.
"So explain," Ryan replied, crossing his arms.

"Sean was dropping me off at the door, and Josey was waiting up for me. Josey opened the door and saw Sean standing there. Our son asked who Sean was; I told him he was a friend, and their interaction was short and sweet," I ranted to my judging ex-husband.

"The point is, you should have been more careful, and now Josey knows the loser who's probably going to hurt you again," said Ryan bitterly.

"Nothing could hurt worse than what you did to me," I whispered under my breath. Apparently, that hit a nerve, because Ryan exited the kitchen and continued to the living room to be with Josey. I wasn't trying to throw Ryan's infidelity and lies back in his face to harm him, but it was the truth. I thought Ryan and I were lovers at first sight, and we were going to last forever. I mean, I tied the knot with the man before we had even been exclusively dating for a few months, and I soon became the mother of his child. 

That's not something you experience with everyone, and it was really hard for me to even see the possibility of being in the same room with Ryan, especially after he lied about the battery incident. I got over it though, and I will always have a special place in my heart for Ryan, but Sean is engraved on my heart. There was always comfort when I was with Sean, regardless of whether it was in the past or now. Just being around Sean is safe, weirdly enough, since he's a rapper. Ryan and I spent the whole day not talking to each other unless Josey was in the room. I'm just so fed up with Ryan. Why would I introduce Josey to Sean to provoke him? I needed to get some rest since we had a flight to catch at midnight.

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