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Andy's POV: "Guys, we need to keep Laine away from her and Haven. I can't lose one of them. They mean too much." I messed with my hair. "We won't let anything happen. I swear." Ashley said making everyone nod in agreement. "I would take her back to Cincinnati, but Juliet and Laine knows where my parents house is." I sat down trying to think.
"I have a place we could go." Baylee walked out of the bathroom. "I never wanted to go back, but I have a place." She looked uncomfortable. "Where is it?" I asked. "Colorado." She sighed. "I'll go pack." She left the room with Haven.
Baylee's POV: I shoved clothes nervously into a bag. "I hope he lets us stay. It's worth a shot." I said to myself feeling a tear rush down my face. I got the letter I had from him that had his address on it. We got in the car and started driving. The guys stayed back in LA. I was not ready for this.
"This the place?" Andy pointed. "Yeah. Stay here for a minute." I got out of the car and walked up to the door. I knocked on the palace looking house door. It opened and my heart dropped. "Can I help you?" He asked. I felt the tears on my face. "Who are you?" He had tone in his voice. "I'm your daughter." I said. His eyes widened. "Listen I have a favor." I said. "How am I sure you're my kid?" He asked. I held up the letter. "Ever since I was a baby this is the only thing I ever got from you. It's signed 'dad'."
He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Baylee" he whispered and cried. "What do you need?" He asked breaking our long embrace. "I need a place to stay for a while." I messed with my hair. "Yeah of course, come in." I stepped back. "Not just me. My boyfriend and my baby." I bit my lip. "I'll have to talk with my wife, but go get them and come inside." He said kindly. My heart slowed down and I walked to the car.
"Come on let's go." I opened the back getting Haven out. We entered the mansion and my dad showed us to a room we could stay in. It was huge and had its own bathroom. "I hope this is okay." He said. "It's perfect." Andy smiled. "Well dinner is soon. Do what you please until then, I'll let you know when to come down." He shut the door.
"He is very nice." Andy laughed. "Yeah. He used to be a drug addict and other Shit happened and it was just bad according to my mom." I sighed and got a bottle ready for Haven, I know she will be hungry any time now. Dinner was ready so we made our way down stairs. Watching and hearing my father talk to his kids made me extremely sad. "So, Baylee. Why do you need to stay here?" His wife had anger in her eyes. "It's a long story so maybe we talk tomorrow about it." My dad looked at her. "No I want to know right now! They came here out of no where and they think they can just stay here." She stood up. "They will not get between our family dammit!" She walked out of the dining room. "She Is a little protective." He laughed. He left to go talk to her. "Maybe we shouldn't have come." I told Andy. He sighed and looked at his phone.
"Shit." He looked at me.

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