Will You Just Talk To Me?

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   Andy's POV: My mom let the cops come in and stare me down. Laine was with them and whispered "Yeah that’s the one." I looked over at Baylee who pushed her plate away from her, it’s not like she was eating anyway. "The things I do for a girl I just met." I mumbled as I stood up and made my way over to the two cops in my house. Laine was standing there with an evil smile on his face. "Can I speak with you sir?" one of the two asked. I nodded and followed him outside.

   "Laine told us that he was trying to talk to his girlfriend and you pushed them outside. You heard them arguing and you seemed annoyed by it so you hit him and drug him down the sidewalk a ways from your house. Is that true?" my mouth was almost on the ground by how much he put it and took out. "Not even close!" I was fuming. "Tell us your side." he was looking at me.

   Baylee's POV: Andy and the officer returned and Andy told me he wanted to ask me some questions. I got up and walked outside like he and Andy had done before. "So Andy told me what happened. Do you have any marks on you?" he asked. I showed him my lip from today and the bruise on my wrist. "Is this the first time he has ever laid a hand on you?" I started twisting my hair nervously. "He isn’t going to touch you." he tried to calm me down. I lifted up my shirt and turned around so he could see my back. "Jesus." he gasped.

   We entered the house again and Laine was put in handcuffs and taken away. I stared at the family I was staying with. "I- I'm sorry." I bolted up the stairs. There was knocking on the door, I didn’t answer. "Can I come in?" Andy opened the door. I just looked at him. "What did you tell them?" he questioned. "The whole story. More then what you did and knew." I replied. "What was the story?" Andy sat next to me. I shook my head. "You can tell me." "No!"

   He sighed. "You told me you want someone to talk to so here I am and you won’t even try and talk to me." he complained. "God you are sounding just like my parents!" I yelled. "What's wrong?" Andy leaned back and crossed his arms. "I'm unhappy!" I whined. "That will go away." he cooed. "No you don’t understand, I am unhappy with myself." I looked at him. "Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be happy with myself. I worry that if I can’t be happy with myself, then nobody will ever be happy with me, and that just makes me even more paranoid. It's a cycle, insecurity, unconfidence, and diffidence. It’s all a cycle and it is destroying me." I bit my lip. "He made me feel like it was my fault he would beat me." I sighed. "My parents always asked me where the old me went, and now I understand I’m a murderer." A tear fell. "What do you mean?" he put his arm around me.

   "I killed the girl I used to be. The girl that used to smile all the time, the girl that used to have a lot of friends, the girl that I used to look at in the mirror. Now she is dead. Her eyes are a darker color, and she rarely smiles, and she doesn’t believe the compliments she gets, because she thinks they are just saying it because they feel sad for her or to make her feel better. I'm a murderer, I killed the girl I once was. It's my fault." I leaned into his shoulder and looked out the window by his bed.

   "It is not your fault. You didn’t ask to be depressed." He kissed the top of my head. "I know. I just feel so trapped and like it is my fault because I can’t get myself out of this fucking hole I’m in. I no longer see a light at the top. People just kept throwing dirt in the hole and it’s burring me. I don’t have the strength anymore to dig my way up to the top like I used to. This time I’m in too deep." I sighed."You will make it." Andy assured me. "There isn’t a lot of dirt in the hole, it’s just heavy and was enough to make you fall on your knees. You aren’t lying down yet. You just have to want to stand up." he said. I let what he said in my head and for once it made sense. "Thank you." I sniffled and kissed his cheek.

   "Yeah. I'll always be here for you. I won’t leave, I promise." He whispered. "Andy, don’t make promises you can’t keep." I replied. "I can keep that one."

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