I'm A Horrible Sister.

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   Baylee's POV: I was laying on Andy's bed figuring out my new phone. I downloaded Facebook and Instagram and logged into them since I already had accounts. My wall on Facebook had a bunch of posts on it so did my pictures on Instagram. I checked my Facebook first and when I clicked on my wall my heart dropped. I started shaking, the tears wouldn’t stop, my face was burning and red, and my mind was everywhere. I wasn’t sure if it was who I thought it was until my Instagram confirmed it. My little brother died. His cancer got too bad and he was too young to fight it off. Reading the posts on his picture I posted a few weeks ago made me even more upset then I already was. R.I.P. Rowen, We love you Rowen, We will miss you Rowen, Thanks for the smiles you gave us Rowen, etc...

   I dropped my phone and started screaming. My body fell to the floor in shock and my eyes were burning from the tears. Chris ran in and cradled me trying to make me calm down. I finally stopped screaming and he let go of me. "What happened?" Chris asked. "My little brother has-" I stopped. "Had cancer. He died this morning." I covered my face. "I didn’t even get to say goodbye. He was yelling for me to stay when my dad was shoving me out of the door. I left when he needed me most. I'm a horrible sister." I cried. "No you're not." Andy came in and sat down with us and so did Amy. "When is his funeral do you know?" Amy asked. "No. We just moved here, I doubt they are having a funeral." I sighed. I looked up at Andy and wiped my tears. "Will you drive me to my parents’ house?" "Are you sure that’s a good idea" "No, but I need to try." I stood up. "Yeah I will." Andy said walking out of the room behind me.

   We got in the car and I told him where to go. We arrived at the house and I got out of the car and turned back to him. "Thanks... Andy." I sniffled. He nodded as I shut the door. I walked up the driveway and knocked on the door. My dad opened it and looked at me without saying a word. He moved aside and let me in. I went to the living room and sat down on our couch. "Mom, what happened?" I asked trying to hold in my tears. "He got really sick a few days ago so we took him in and he just got worse and then... died." she stuttered her words. I looked at my feet and let the tears fall on the floor. "You guys didn’t even let me say good bye!" I stood up and pointed at my dad. "You made me leave when he needed his family most! You stressed him out! You made him get sick! You killed Rowen!" my voice cracked as I yelled then collapsed to the ground. My dad was breathing heavy in the corner with his arms crossed. "You guys did it." I whispered. "Baylee come back home." My mom cried. "No. Not now. Not ever." I looked at my dad who was crying silently. "Will you guys let me go and see him?" I locked my jaw. My mom nodded and got up to write a note for permission. I snatched it from her then picked up his favorite toy and walked outside, slamming the door behind me. I stomped to the car and shut the door. "Will you drive me to the hospital?" I looked at Andy with my green puffy eyes. "Of course." he cooed at me. I wasn’t in the mood for comfort at the moment.

   We parked out front and I just sat there for a minute. "Andy, will you come with me?" I asked. "Are you sure?" I nodded and then we got out of the car. We walked in and gave the people the note then watched them examine it. "Follow me." one of the nurses said. We walked with her and she brought us into a small room where Rowen was. I made my way to him and fixed his hair how he liked it. "Oh Rowen." I whispered. "Is it crazy to talk to him?" I looked back at Andy. "No." he leaned against a wall. "It bothers me to see you like this, so lifeless and cold. I remember just 4 days ago you were cuddled next to me on the couch telling me about your day. When you were born I didn’t like you at all, but when you held my finger for the first time made me realize how much I loved you. I still love you Rowen. Don't ever forget that. I brought you something," I pulled out his favorite dinosaur toy and put his hand around it. "It’s your dinosaur. You loved this little thing. I wish mom and dad didn’t kick me out, I feel like you would still be here. I’m sorry Rowen, I'm really sorry. I wish I could take your place. You don’t deserve this. You deserve to have a care free life full of happiness and love. Shit Rowen you barely had a life! You were 6. You should have had so much life up a head. You were in a game no one should have to play, I hope now you're okay." I put my head on his chest and cried. Andy put his hands on my shoulders. "I don’t know what else to say." I whispered picking up my head. "I think you have said as much as you can." Andy whispered back. "Yeah, you're probably right." I sighed holding Rowen’s hand. "I'm sorry." I said standing up. "Love you munchkin." I kissed his cheek. Andy guided me out of the room. "Love you." I whispered before I left the room. I looked through the glass as they covered him up with the sheet and took him away. My hands left prints on the windows then I rested my head on it. "You ready?" Andy asked. "Yeah." I walked away from the window. "I am."

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