Ch. 3

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Knuckles asked, "Did you tell either of those Knuckles?"

Sonic asked, "About what??" He was confused for a moment before he looking at Knuckles expression.

He said in a little anxious manner, "Oh that I'm a prince from Mobotropolis? No. I haven't. Knux, not even once have I told them. Nine didn't even know about me either. You and I both know Shadow can't be trusted."

Knuckles then said, "Hold on there let's not..."

Sonic interrupted in a panic tone, "I swear Knux, I didn't tell anyone. Not one person knows but you. I be embarrassed if they found out."

Knuckles pinned him to the tree as he said, "Will you please calm down?"

He then said calmly while Sonics heart beat, "I-I need to tell you something. Listen, just after you overthrown Eggman from power, he came to me."

Sonic didn't know what he was talking about before Knuckles then said while looking down, "Your brother... He made me swear that I look after you."

Sonic asked in a surprised but shocked expression, "Manic? He did? Why?"

Knuckles sighed deeply and answered, "Yeah. Since finding out he's the oldest, it kinda changed him. Though he knew... he somehow knew you and I would be friends and part of a team. I couldn't go against what he said nor could I turn it down. Now I know that I let him down now. Not just him, but you and your family. I couldn't say no to him that day even if I want to."

He unpinned Sonic before Sonic said to him, "Oh Knux. Look, there is something else. If Eggman does cross the line. I haft to let Manic kill him. Eggman's demise will be mine and Sonia's decision. But when Eggman's dead I haft to return to Mobotropolis regardless."

Knuckles nodded before he looks down with a blush.

Sonic asked, "What's wrong?"

Knuckles answered shyly and asked, "Well, since Eggman is defeated again and all. Wanna hang out?"

Sonic blushed before he said, "Sure Knux. To be honest, even if this is weird and all. I missed you."

Knuckles smiled before he and Sonic fist bumped each other.

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