Ch. 15

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<No Place>

Dread just got back into the sea while following Old Nessie's trail.

Dread said to himself, "Good thing Nessie is a underwater reptile. She sheds her skin more than anything. I didn't even know it was possible."

He kept rowing before seeing his old crew spying him.

That was when Captain Jack, Bunny-Bones, and Stormbeard appeared.

Captain Jack said in a mocking tone and a terribly smile, "Well, well, well. If it isn't former Captain Dread? Whatcha doing out here? Did yer crew kick you out?"

Dread ignores them and keeps rowing 'focusing on Deep Blue in his mind.'

Bunny-Bones then asked in a mean way, "Where are yee going? To find an island to crawl and die?"

Captain Jacks crew laughed but that was when Bunny-Bones sees no reaction before she asked 'this time with curiosity and confusion', "Seriously where are ye going?"

Dread answered them firmly, "To the Bermuda Triangle!"

Captain Jack and his crew gasped in horror. Stormbeard shouted in an alarmed tone, "DREAD! ARE YEE OUT OF YER MIND?! THERE ARE SEA MONSTERS THERE!!"

Dread shouted back, "I BE KNOWING THAT! I WAS THERE BEFORE!!"


Dread shouted back 'a little frustrated', "WHY DO YEE THINK I AM GOING THERE?! I HAFT TO TALK TO HIM!!"


Dread asked 'getting annoyed', "WHICH ONE DO YEE THINK?!"

Stormbeard then asked 'in a more frightened and panic tone', "BUT ONE OF THE SEAMONSTERS WILL HAVE YEE FOR LUNCH!!"


Dread said to himself as he looked down, "I haft to see Deep-Blue. No matter what. I haft to be at his side. The times I ran into him... I be wishing I didn't act so... So stupid. I mean, over a shiny rock I... I acted like everyone else that sees him and his brother. I be ashamed of that."

Captain Jack and his crew watched the former pirate captain rowing away as Bunny-Bones asked, "Should we go after him? I never thought I say but, we need to stop him. He could get killed."

Captain Jack answered her, "Even if we do. We'll all end up as lunch for those hungry sea monsters. He's on his own. May Neptune guide him mercifully."

Storm-Beard then said to the pirate cat, "I be not knowing his efforts to go after one of Davy Jones sons. But, maybe he deeply something in one of them that we do not."

<With Captain Dread>

Hs followed the trail of Nessie and Deep-Blue. Until he reached a lovely looking cave.

Dread recognized it as Shell wave Cove. It was somewhere Deep-Blue hides so he can be alone.

Dread parks his boat in a sandy looking piece of land nearby before entering further into the cave.

That was when he sees the middle of the cave. There in the middle of the cove. Standing on the rock was Deep Blue in a different form.

Dread could see he was with Nessie but something else caught his eyes.

Deep-Blue was in tears. They were crystal clear tears.

Dread whispered to himself, "What was wrong with him?"

He sees the cobalt hedgehog hugging the head of Nessie as Dread said to himself as he looked away and remembered something, "I be forgetting Deep-Blue is half mermaid."

Deep-Blue then said to Nessie, "What shall I do Old Nessie? If the battle between thy sister and thy brother continue, It would be a destruction to all of the ocean. Thy brother and I promise Father we protect thy ocean just when he was vanished."

Nessie roared softly in concern.

Deep-Blue answered her, "Be fine as I, old girl. Thou shall not worry about I. For I may I have pressure inside I. But with thee, I shall be calm."

Nessie roared a little as Deep Blue nodded.

He then looks at 10 eggs before he said to Nessie, "I am as excited as thee. Pretty soon, thou be a mother."

Nessie roared happily as Deep-Blue smiled a little. But that was when he heard a footstep as the two looked to the direction of Dreads hiding spot.

Deep-Blue had a suspicious glare on his face before he said quietly to the sea monster before him, "Looks as thou had company. I think it would be that sea snake the Captain Dread."

Nessie nodded in agreement before Deep-Blue used his powers of the ocean to grab the intruder.

Knowing it was Dread, he used the ocean water to trap and bring him forth.

Deep-Blue growled at the sight of the former sea-captain before he said while Nessie growled, "I thought thy nose caught the scent of the sea snake. Come on back for more suffering haven't thee Dread?"

Before Deep-Blue used his power, Dread said to him, "Hold it lad, it's not yee think?"

Deep-Blue releases him before he asked, "What does thou want now?"

Nessie growled at him as Deep-Blue then said angrily, "Thou has some nerve following Nessie and I here."

Nessie roared a short roar as if to say 'Yeah!'

Dread knew if he had to get Deep-Blue to pay attention, he has to earn his trust. But it is harder than he shoulda realized.

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