Ch. 7

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(New Yoke)

Nine was able to was able to put in contact of Greenhills.

Though he kind of ease dropped in Sonic and Knuckles conversation.

It was night time in Greenhills. The stars are beautiful in the night time as the moon glows.

Both Sonic and Knuckles were sitting up on top of Greenhills 'looking at the ocean'.

Sonic turns to Knuckles and said, "This is really beautiful Knux. But are you sure we can be up here?"

The red echidna answered him, "Sonic, I'm sure. It's not like anyone's going to notice. Besides, the view is beautiful."

Sonic agreed with it as Nine looked at them.

He raised a brow 'knowing this is awkward'.

Sonic asked Knuckles a certain question, "So Knux. Do you think they're actually Sonics in the shatterverse somewhere?"

Knuckles asked, "Remember how we actually met Sonic?"

Sonic nodded before he said, "Yes. You called me and my sibs 'thieves' all because you were tricked by Sleet and Dingo."

Nine asked with a raised brow, "Sleet and Dingo? Who's that?"

He then said to himself as Rusty and Rebel walked to him, "Well then again, there's more to Sonic I don't know but why."

Knuckles then said to Sonic, "Sonic, I haft to be honest. You had one wild adventure. But listen, you met all of us after you fulfilled the prophecy already. The fact that neither of the versions of us met the other Sonics means that they're probably still with the Underground."

Rebel asked as Nine turns to her, "Underground? What does that mean?"

Nine answered her, "I have no idea. I mean, me and Rusty over here are skeptical about the 'other' Sonics."

They watched the screen as Sonic replied to him, "Maybe you're right. What do you think the other versions of me and Manic and Sonia look like?"

Knuckles answered him while blushing, as Sonic laid his head on his shoulder, "We may never know."

The signal was interrupted when Nine noticed something on the monitors.

Nine then looked around and asked, "Wait a minute, where's Renegade?"

Rebel said with confusion, "I thought he was with you & Rusty 'Nine'."

Nine replied with her with confusion, "I sadly haven't seen him since this morning."

Rusty suddenly said as she sees Renegade on the screen, "Well lo and behold, there he is, but what is he up to?"

Nine asked, "Would you girls like to take a look?"

The group then looked at the screen clearly as Renegade was talking to someone in the alley way. (It was Street Edge with his hood on).

Rusty looked at the individual he is talking to and asked, "Who is this unknown life form?"

Rebel as she looks at Rusty Rose asked, "And what's Renegade doing with him or her?"

Nine asked, "Is it another one of your rebellion rebel?"

Rebel answered the nine-failed fox, "No. I don't know anyone in the rebellion that can cover his or her face like that."

Rusty analyzed the screen and said, "Analyzing individual: Identity, Unknown. Gender; Male. Species: Hedgehog."

Nine and Rebel asked in surprise, "Hedgehog?"

Rusty then said, "But I'm interested in the fact about what they're talking about."

Nine turned on the volume and said, "Maybe we can hear what they're saying."

Once the volume is up, Renegade was just finished explaining.

A familiar voice said had them immediately froze, "So let me get this straight Ren. Yo had some fight against those dumb council-jerks, when suddenly this less-edgy version of me comes out of nowhere spitting up some nonsense about some crystal shard.  Though he had ya team up with some loner and that toy of theirs. He kept disappearing and reappearing and then things went cray-cray when you saw some pirate mirror of yourself? Then things got cray-cray more when the universe was falling apart dawg."

Renegade replied with a shrug, "Yeah it's pretty much it. But to be honest, I thought it was you 'having second thoughts' I then discovered it wasn't you at all."

Street-Edge asked, "What gave that dude away man?"

Renegade answered him, "I memorized you from head to toe. This version goes by the name of Sonic and a good reason too. Though one thing I know is that he didn't have is your street wear, no spikes on the forehead, or the edgy combat boots. He doesn't talk like you do. Besides, he didn't have the three stars tattoo on his left arm."

He sighed before he taking off his hood. Nine, Rusty, and Rebel gasped with wide eyes.

Rusty said in shock, "It can't be.."

Rebel 'speechless' said with eyes looking at the edgy hedgehog, "No way..."

Nine then said with determination, "So there is a Sonic in our world after all." He turns to Rebel and asked, "Did you know about this?"

Rebel looked at the fox and shook her head in honesty.

Then, they heard Renegade said to Street-Edge, "Listen S.E. we better get going. I need to share this news to you three."

Renegade then asked, "Oh by the way, how are the other crooks Street-Edge?"

Street-Edge answered, "Usual Ren. Though a few got some sprained legs and my old broad had a few fractured bones."

Renegade asked, "Which one S.E.? you had a couple of old flames. Commander Salene and your old bride to be 'Riza'."

Street-Edge answered, "Why the hot commander of course. But she and I did not even close lasted for a year dawg."

Renegade chuckled a little and said, "You already told me that story blue-boy."

Street-Edge then said, "So Red-Ren. Have you and your girl dated?"

Renegade replied, "Rebel? Nah. We didn't much time for each other. I liked her but not in a way you and the commander did. Now enough chat let's go. By the way, did you get any of those spicy jalapeno-dogs on the way?"

Street-Edge answered him as he brought out the bag, "Kept a spare snack in case those metal-heads want to mess with me or anyone else dude."

They watched the two walked to an alley way as Nine asked the girls, "Well it confirms there is a Sonic. But question is, How will we approach him without scaring him off?"

Rusty shrugged as Rebel answered, "Maybe we should take on a hands on approach. I'm surprised Renegade knows this one."

The group muttered in their low tones. But something told Nine that this Sonic cannot be approached easily but it would be a tad bit different.

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