Ch. 12

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Gnarly sighed deeply and said, "I-I heard your brother 'Claw' say it. I didn't completely run away I just hid behind the plants."

Spike raised a brow and said nothing.

That is when Spike asked, "Wait a minute. You and this pup are friends of that Thorn aren't you?"

Gnarly hesitated and nodded.

Spike growled low and whispered, "I thought so..."

Mangey whimpered as Gnarly asked, "Why must it be this way? I know you all have a good reason. But..."

Spike roared his tiger roar before he said, "You have no idea ya treehuggers! Not only did she anger the jungle god but her clan caused this."

He calmed a little but then explained, "Many years ago. This part of the jungle was sacred. All five villages live together in harmony. We all made this side of the Boscage maze our home. We looked up to our Jungle Gods as we celebrate its beauty."

He closed his eyes tightly while he thought of the old days as there was dancing, prosperity, nature, and peace.

He then said as he shook his fist, "But until that fateful night when her clan decided to ruin everything."

He imagined Thorns savage clan ruining their home. The screaming, the attacks, and awful moments.

He then said, "Our soldiers of nature tried their best to fend them off. As we flee from the enemy. Some of the soldiers of nature had to save countless families. Including the girls and the children. As several soldiers lost their lives. Our leaders were devastated."

He can hear the cries of children and families while in their sanctuary of the Jungle Gods (5 statues of a tiger, lion, cougar, panther, and cheetah).

He then said as he opened his green tiger eyes, "The five leaders utter a curse on the enemy! They plea to the Jungle Gods to grant them power to get revenge on that evil clan as they had destroyed our home. That was the day that the forbidden side was born."

He then imagined the clan fearing at the sight of the five cursed leaders as they screamed and ran for their lives as some hurt while begging for mercy as others were escaping or killed.

Spike then said, "Though half of the clan escaped it worked. But it added a price or two that was not for the faint of heart."

He then said as he showed his claws, "The first price, is that the rest of the surviving villagers had been cursed! The second price costs the trust of the five leaders. All of the five leaders separated. Those who followed the leaders went with. That was when the five cursed villages were created."

He then slashed the net in pieces 'causing both Gnarly and Mangey to fall and hit the ground' and said, "We rebuild our villages in five separate locations. But all we do for food is hunt like the predators we are. We hunt for the most dangerous and destructive creatures that resemble the jungle creatures here. It is a miracle that we haven't lost our sanity as villagers. Over the years. We remained this way. Not one living being was dull enough to enter the forbidden side. Least until you showed up."

Spike looks away as he folds his arms.

Gnarly sighed deeply and said as he stood up, "Look I know you're mad Spike along with the rest of the forbidden side. But listen to me. It's not too late to make things right. Believe me we know how you feel. We feared Thorn too."

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