Ch. 19

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Sonic asked Dread, "What was the sign of them being adopted?"

Dread answered him, "The fisherman 'who looked after them and took care of them' told me. He was at the beach collecting some fish in his fishing net when he encountered them in one basket. They were only infants when he found them."

Sonic gasped before Dread continued, "Assuming they were orphaned and washed up from a shipwreck, he took them in without any hesitation nor regrets."

Sonic was a little surprised but it hit him close to home.

Sonic then asked as he looked down, "What made him think they were shipwrecked?"

Dread answered him, "He found them floating on the beach. I saw the basket they were in."

That was when he got the basket out of its hiding place. Sonic looked at it before he asked, "Is that the basket?"

Dread nodded before Sonic said, "That's the weirdest basket I ever seen."

Dread replied to him, "I thought the same thing. But I looked a closer look at it. This basket was made out of possibly old pieces of an old pirate ship, it was put together with seaweed, sea-moss, foam, and it was covered in sand."

He then continued, "The blanket they were wrapped in was made from some kind of material mermaids use, not to mention it had small pearls on it. It made me think when I first saw it. If they were shipwrecked why would they be left in a basket like this?"

Sonic looked at it and asked, "My Gosh, so you think they weren't shipwrecked?"

Dread nodded and answered, "I was skeptical. The fisherman said they had no injuries on them but they were a little wet. It made me think that they weren't shipwrecked. They were abandoned together."

Sonic gasped before he thought, "So they were abandoned together. I'm jealous."

Dread asked, "Something wrong?"

Sonic shook off the feeling before he said, "I'm fine Dread. Anyways, what happened next?"

Dread then finished the rest of the story, "Anyways, Whenever I was with Deep-Blue, I didn't know it then, but he was the one friend I had. I didn't know how to repay him. He said this to me before our separate, 'Friendship is the one treasure he wants to earn'. I wanted to return the favor, so I found a little trinket as a thank you for his kindness. I coulda asked him to come with me but I was so stubborn to. I dropped the trinket on purpose and said not a word."

Sonic asked, "And that trinket was...?"

Dread answered him immediately, "...An amulet. The amulet that Davey Jones himself made. He knew he would have sons to carry out his will. One of his seamonsters found them both and went to report it immediately. The moment they communicated with the sea monster, the creature knew right away who they were. He was wearing it the night I saw him again during me treasure hunt at the corrupted rulers palace."

Sonic was surprised before he asked, "Did you recognize him?"

Dread answered, "No. He forgotten what I looked like. In fact, he had no idea. I kinda forgotten the lad when I became a legendary pirate. But one look at the amulet when I set foot on the Bermuda Triangle after my first attempt to get the devil lighthouse made me remember him as I recognized him."

Sonic then said to him as he holds Dreads hand, "I understand how you feel. Me and Knuckles first met when he was tricked by two other villains. We too have forgotten each other. Least until he got tricked and we became friends. We instantly remembered each other the moment our battle against Eggman is over. Though it was just me and him at the time."

Dread yawned before he said, "Look I like to tell yee more but I'm tired."

Sonic replied to him as he caress his face, "You can go ahead and rest Dread. I'm here still. Least until the bracelets turn a morning color in my world."

Dread stretched before laying his head down on Sonics lap.

The blue hedgehog blushed before he thought, "Knux..."

He pets the pirate version of his new boyfriend before falling asleep himself.

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