Ch. 24

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Dread looks at Crystal and asked, "What do yee mean?"

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Dread looks at Crystal and asked, "What do yee mean?"

Crystal answered him, "He hangs out in 2 coves as he and the loyal Old Nessie wanted the time of alone."

Sonic was a little awestruck at this before looking away.

Dread asked, "Something wrong lad?"

Crystal asked 'looking at Sonic', "Why do thee look away?"

Sonic looks at her and answered, "Uhh, sorry. It's just that... Y-you look just like her...M-my mother..."

Dread pats his back and replied, "It be fine lad. But let's focus on Deep-Blue."

Sonic nodded before asking Crystal, "Do you know where this 'Deep-Blue' is at?"

Crystal answered, "Why yes duplicate of thy son. At the Sea-Turtle Cove is where thou would find thee."

Sonic asked, "Where is that at?"

Dread 'being there more than once' answered, "I be knowing."

He grabs the blue hedgehog as he glides to Sea-Turtle Cove.

At the same moment the mermaids and sea monsters started to charge.

Black-Rose said to Sails, "This can't be good."

Baton Rouge replied, "Uh oh."

A medium sea monster roars as a mermaid tries to attack it near the ship.

Sails asked the sea monster, "Why is everyone in the seas in the Bermuda Triangle fighting?"

The sea monster 'weirded out that Sails can communicate' roared an answer.

Sails asked, "A war between the Bermuda Triangle and the mermaids yee say?"

The sea monster roared in confusion before roaring in a questionable manner.

Sails answered, "Of course I understand yee. I be raised by sea monsters me self. Before I was a pirate."

(A little bit later)

Sonic 'riding on Dreads back' asked as they were almost there, "Why the heck is it called Sea-Turtle cove?"

Dread answered as he landed on a rock, "cause the mouth of the cave is shaped like the round turtle shell but that's not all. The walls of the caves were suppose to have strange patterns that resemble a turtles shell. It was rumored that rare sea-turtles once made a home of it. But with Kaiba corrupting the seas and everything, it was nothing but a mere cove."

When they arrived, the two entered as Sonic said to Dread, "Geez you were not kidding around. Looks just like the cave my brother explored on the day he realized he was older than me and my sister. But he did it to find a cure to save us both."

Dread and Sonic walked further before they see Nessie and Deep-Blue together.

Sonic let out a light gasp at Deep-Blue. No doubt about it, to Sonic, Deep-Blue was definitely the Sonic in No Place.

Sonic thought in surprise, "Deep-Blue is seriously me."

Sonic asked quietly, "That's him?"

Dread nodded as Deep-Blue pets Nessies head and said, "Thou don't know what to do. For we must take shelter in Sea-Turtle Cove until the war is over. Don't thou think Old Nessie?"

Nessie nodded her head while roaring softly. She nuzzled Deep-Blue as he sniffed.

Sonic looks at Dread and whispered, "Whoa. Deep-Blue sure does care about that sea-monster. I didn't actually think one would be with him."

Dread answered him quietly while looking at the two, "That is because, Nessie 'the sea monster you see with him' was the first sea monster he had. He found her at the beach while he was still a child on the day their father found them. By the time she hatched, Sea-Foam and Deep-Blue looked at the wreckage they caused. Deep-Blue heard Nessies cries and earned her trust. Just after Davy Jones found them and took them to the Bermuda Triangle, Deep-Blue raised her as his own and took care of her. She be at his side most of the time. During that time, they be collecting sea monsters that serve both him and Sea-Foam."

Dread looked at the pair as he muttered, "I be sorry Deep-Blue. I only wished yee see that."

Though things were getting bad when a storm breaches.

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