Ch. 13

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<New Yoke City>

Nine and Rusty looked around the Free-Zone club.

It was like one of those bar style clubs but with people treated like crooks in New Yoke.

Nine said to Rusty, "Man. People around here sure hate the chaos-counsel."

Rusty replied to him, "I couldn't agree more. Now let's find this Sonic in our world."

While the two looked around, Renegade was at a table nearby showing the three a video he recorded of the counsel fighting each other at the grim.

Street-Edge sat across Renegade but sat between the two other Shadow-Punks 'that are edgy versions of Sonics siblings 'Sonia and Manic'.

Renegade chuckled and said as the three laughed at their fighting, "You three shoulda been there, it was hilarious."

Street-Edge chuckled and said, "Oh man this is classic dawg. Yo really played those scrambled brains. Hook, line, and stinker dude. That is like sick man."

Renegade smiled a little and said, "I thought you would like it S.E."

Street-Edge asked his brother, "So Road-Ace. Whatcha think?"

Road-Ace 'The Manic in New Yoke City' replied, "I say they fight like a bunch of dumb ducks little bro. But it is Ha-Ha funny."

That is when Avenue-Harvey (The Edgy version of Sonia) asked, "So Renegade-Knuck, what's the status?"

Renegade replied to the three shadowpunks, "Well I got good news and I got bad news."

The three asked, "And what's that Dawg?"

Renegade shows them some papers and answered, "During my 'cooperation' with the dumb counsel, I was able to sneak the info they have. So the good news is; I was able to find the location of your parents."

All three faces lit up as they gasped in amazement. Street-Edge said to him, "Yo nice work Ren. We knew it would be a good idea to trust you."

Avenue-Harvey asked, "So where are they?"

Renegade frowned and answered as he looks down while the shadowpunks looked at the info, "Well, that's the bad news."

The Shadowpunks looked and they gasped in shock and horror.

Their parents were held captive and located in the outskirts of the city.

Road-Ace sighed deeply and said, "This is one prob dudes and dudette."

Renegade nodded in agreement but said, "True but lest you forgot you three. The counsel is not here. So this will give us an opportunity to not only free the rest of your people but also rescue your parents."

The ShadowPunks whispered to each other for a full minute before they turn to Renegade as Road-Ace said, "The sibs and I have been talking things through. You maybe right. It would be an opportunity but lest you forget, the counsel has an allie."

Renegade scratched his head before he said, "True but don't forget you three. You have me and I will fulfill your promise."

Road-Ace said to him, "Well we leave the instant we are red to the D Ren."

That is when Street-Edge stood up as Avenue-Harvey asked, "Where are ya going baby bro?"

Street-Edge answered as he walked off, "I'm gettin some air. I'll be right to the back in 1 whole minute sis."

Once Street-Edge was out of sight, Renegade looks at Road-Ace.

Avenue-Harvey had to go talk to one of the edgy looking bots boys 'that bored some resemblance to Silver The Hedgehog'.

It was a real silent moment before Road-Ace said 'breaking the silence', "Renegade Knuck, I want to thank you for all you done for us. Not one person was willing to make a deal with three outcast criminals in New Yoke like you."

Renegade sighed deeply and replied, "It was all I could do for you three. After what you three did for me. Mostly Street-Edge. Who knows what woulda happen if he didn't come to my rescue in the darkness."

Road-Ace replied to him in a serious tone as he grabbed a can of soda, "Speaking of which. Listen, there is going to be a day where Street-Edge is going to stand on his own two feet. I can't lead both my sister and brother forever. I haft to go back to Sanctuary and clean up the counsels mess. They both need to be with friends and teams of their own. I love my sibs but, they are growing strong and..."

He trailed off as he sighed deeply before Renegade said to him, "Don't you worry Road-Ace. If there is going to be a day where you 3 separate, I swear I will look after Street-Edge."

Road-Ace looked at him before looking down. He then said, "Well you have been offering him multiple times to join your group. Though Street-Edge turns you down every time."

Renegade nodded in understanding and agreement. But hopefully this time, he won't turn him down.

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