Ch. 8

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Just after they walked off, Nine walked off and said, "I may need to analyze him a little."

Rusty suggested, "I'm coming with you." Nine asked her as he looked at the robotic version of Amy, "You sure? Rusty, You know if the crooks including him see you, they'll see you as a threat. It could be dangerous. I may not have been out much but I heard the crooks of New Yoke are merciless."

Rusty answered the young fox, "It's a risk I'm willing to take."

Rebel sighed before Nine asked, "Rebel? Do you think you can stay here in case Renegade comes back?"

Rebel answered, "Sure thing fox."

Nine and Rusty walked off as Rusty looked at herself and said, "I sometimes wish I realized sooner."

(A short while later)

Both Nine and Rusty arrived at the alley way they were at.

Rusty can sense both Renegade and Street-Edge nearby.

Nine asked, "Are they here?"

Rusty answered, "Yes. I can detect them in the alley way. Follow me."

Rusty rushed into the alley way as Nine followed. It took about 5 alley ways to make it to a secret club.

It was called 'Free-Zone'. It was a club for underworld crooks that hate New Yoke.

They see Street-Edge and Renegade walking to two guards (one that was a punk wolf 'that bored little resemblance to Sonics childhood friend (Grey-Sky The Wolf)' and the other was a tough and gangster style walrus 'that bored resemblance to Roder The Walrus from the Freedom fighters')

The wolf guard greeted the two, "Yo, Street-Edge. Welcome back dude. I see you brought your friend with yas."

Street-Edge replied flatly, "Yo G-Dawg. I have been telling ya this more than one time. Ren and I are not chums. We are just allies. Nothing else."

G-Dawg replied with a chuckle, "That's what they all say dawg. Anyways, your sibs are inside expecting yas."

G-Dawg then turns to Renegade and asked, "Yo Red boy. What's this about some Street-Edge imposter running around huh?"

Renegade asked, "Let me guess, this whole 'Sonic' thing has spread in the underworld of Nee Yoke haters?"

G-Dawg answered, "If that's what that fake Street-Edge calls himself then yes. Me and Bruise-fist here heard about it."

That's when Bruise-Fist said, "Anyways, you two go in. I doubt there be trouble ahead."

That is when Renegade and Street-Edge entered.

Nine whispered, "I better follow them. If things get bad, you come and get me."

Rusty nodded in understanding. Nine approached the entrance while the two guards talked.

G-Dawg sees Nine and said as he halted him, "Whoa there pup. Where da yas think yo going dude?"

Nine answered, "I'm going in there. where else?"

Bruise-Fist then said, "Sorry kid, no minors allowed. So why don't you run along and play hopscotch or something?"

Nine 'insulted' asked, "Excuse me?! What do I look like?! A little girl?!"

When he was going to use a gadget of him, Rusty used her extended arms and knocked them both out.

Rusty said to him, "Coulda gone better if you didn't lose your temper Nine."

Nine replied to her 'embarrassed at himself for almost loosing his cool', "Hehehe. My bad. Let's go. I don't want to have them wake up or meet any of those guys friends."

That's when Rusty and Nine entered the club. Though Nine had to disguise Rusty so no one would recognize her as the counsels personal robot of destruction.

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