Ch. 10

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Dread had arrived at the old fishing village

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Dread had arrived at the old fishing village. He failed to see one of the sea monsters spotted him.

Old Nessie 'who was accompanying Deep-Blue'.

Deep-Blue was sitting on the old docks as he sighed deeply.

That was when Nessie poked her head out of the water and roared a little softly and shortly.

Deep-Blue greeted one of his sea monsters, "Old Nessie. What thou want to report?"

Old Nessie hisses and roars softly.

Deep-Blue glared and ask, "Old Captain Dread Thou say?"

Nessie nodded as she roared a little.

Deep-Blue and asked, "He be alone thou say?"

Old Nessie nodded and roared in a questionable tone.

Deep-Blue answered, "Yes I be hearing such rumor some mere mortal wearing thy appearance. But I have such doubt I be meeting this mortal."

Deep-Blue then said to Nessie, "Though a glimpse of the mortal I caught, when I dove underwater with Scalia. He was as Meg had told I. A look-a-like of I."

Nessie then roared softly and in a questioned manner.

Deep-Blue answered him, "Why of course Old Nessie. It was looking in thy mirror. But the mortal a glimpse I caught. He has no ocean power of mine."

Nessie nodded 'knowing that is true'.

Then the sea monster growled at the right direction.

Deep-Blue was going to asked but heard a familiar voice greeting the blue hedgehog, "Ahoy there, Deep-Blue. I didn't expect to see yee."

Deep-Blue glared at Dread as he turns to him.

Deep-Blue asked in a very hateful tone, "What does thou want? Has not thou done so much damage?"

Dread frowned 'knowing Deep-Blue is still mad about not just him trespassing in the bermuda Triangle but also hurting one of his sea monsters'.

Dread asked, "Let me guess lad, are yee and yer pet still mad about that time?"

Nessie roared angrily and Deep-Blue said 'communicating Nessie', "Are thou blind? Yes, I and Nessie are still angered by thee. Even old Nessie says so."

He turns to Nessie and asked, "Are thy right old Nessie?"

Nessie nodded while grunting.

Deep-Blue looks at the former pirate captain before he said angrily as he pets Nessies head, "Thou has the nerve to come forth after what thou did."

Dread replied, "Believe me lad. I was going to go to the Bermuda Triangle undetected."

Deep-Blue rolled his eyes and asked, "Why so? Just so thee can steal the hour glasses of time and space?"

Dread answered him, "No. I be going there to talk to you. And you alone."

Deep-Blue was slightly dumbstruck by this. But he had a suspicious look on his face.

Dread asked, "Would yee mind calling off yer underwater lizard, so I can talk to yee alone?"

He turns to Nessie 'who was roaring in a suspicious tone'.

Deep-Blue said to the sea monster, "I so agree old Nessie. Suspicious as it be. A trick it must be. Hmmm, Nessie. Go check on the eggs of thou. I shall return to the Bermuda Triangle shortly."

Nessie roared in a questionable manner before Deep-Blue answered him, "Fine as I be. Thou also tell Sea-Foam nothing that needs to be worried."

Nessie nodded in approval before swimming back to the Bermuda Triangle.

Deep-Blue 'left alone with the former sea captain' looked away in anger.

Dread said to him, "Geez, still angry about my mistakes. It ain't like I expected yee to be here lad. But I would rather chit chat with yee anyway."

Deep-Blue replied as he stood up, "Captain Dread. What thou want to talk about can never concern I."

Dread walks to him and said, "Lad. Listen to me. Remember when yee sent me away?"

Deep-Blue looks down at the murky waters and said, "Thou are correct. Remembering that day I have. I coulda killed thee if I had."

Dread asked, "Do you know why you send me away instead of killing me?"

Deep-Blue growled and said nothing. Dread then answered him, "Because yee couldn't bring yerself to kill me. Do yee know why?"

Deep-Blue answered somberly and looked down, "Cause thou looked like the kid I had spend the time with. A long time before Father had found I and brother."

Dread replied to him with a concern look, "Exactly. But I know one other reason. Yee didn't have the heart. Deep down yee wanted to spare. Yee have the heart of yer mother."

Deep-Blue replied angrily, "How dare thou mention that of my mother?! She abandoned us three!"

Dread protested, "Cause she wanted to protect yee. She did not want yee to be this way. Not your brother or your sister."

Deep-Blue calmed a little as Dread then said, "She wouldn't want you to be this way lad."

Deep-Blue protested, "Ha! I shall now laugh at that. For those who shame I and Brother Sea-Foam only see us two as monsters. This is what they see in two of I and Sea-Foam."

Dread replied, "That's not true and you know it. Not everyone thinks you're a monster. So please Deep-Blue. Please don't be the monster they think you are."

Deep-Blue asked, "why shall I trust thee? Thou are like everyone else. Why must I trust yee Captain Dread?"

Dread didn't know how to pronounce it as he looked at him before looking down.

Deep-Blue scoffed and said, "As thoughts of I have been thinking."

Deep-Blue then jumped into the water and instantly he swam swift and clear.

Dread sighed deeply and asked, "What can I do to earn your friendship again Deep-Blue?"

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