Ch. 9

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(No place)

Captain Black Rose looked around before she turns to Sails and asked, "Sails, where is Dread?"

Sails shrugged and answered, "I be not knowing." Baton then said, "I be remembering he be saying something about going to that old fishing village."

Captain Rose asked, "Why would he be doing that?"

That is when Catfish handed them a note and said, "He be leaving this note when he left."

Captain Rose took the note before she red it allowed:

"Dear Captain and crew:

I be sorry for leaving yee all behind. But there is something I be needing to do.

There is something I be never telling yee. Not even Sonic.

When I be a young lad. I started me piracy in an old fishing village but I be more of a starving child on the run.

When the guards were close I seek refuge. A young blue hedgehog boy helped me by hiding me in a fish barrel.

Turned out he be that young peasant boy that was raised with his siblings by an old pour fisherman but everyone looked down on them. I be having a feeling they were for a reason.

I got to know that little fisher boy while laying low. I was a bit strict on him but he didn't care.

He was happy that someone was bold enough to talk to him, his brother, his sister, and their foster parent.

He taught some fishing techniques during those days.

That night the fisherman that adopted them told me how he found them and he showed the basket they were in.

He assumed they washed up from a shipwreck.

But it be no basket I ever saw. The basket they were in.

It was made out of old wooden pieces, possibly from an old sinking pirate ship, it was tied together with seaweed, sea-moss, and foam.

The material they were covered with was something with silk and pearls. The blanket resembled something rare. As if it was made from mermaid magic.

I had a feeling that day they were abandoned for a reason.

There was no way they were shipwrecked.

Though, I haft to be honest. The blue boy was friendlier with me. I never admitted it but, he was my first real friend.

I remembered he told me that 'friendship was the one treasure he wanted to earn'.

He was right about that. Friendship is a treasure that should be earned.

I had to leave but I wanted to show him my thanks. I found a broach in the beach.

When I left, I dropped the broach on purpose for him to find it.

Though, when I was meeting a fellow mate, something went terribly wrong.

A storm came out of nowhere and the pour fisherman was killed.

What I discovered 'it was the boy and his brother' that was causing this.

I didn't know how they did this, but little did I know, They were actually the long lost children of Davy Jones himself.

What I heard, Davy Jokes found them and took them and raised them and taught them the ways of the Bermuda Triangle.

Their sister is actually a mermaid.

Yes, they were the children of Davy Jones and the purest mermaid of the sea.

Their love story is another story for another time.

I forgotten them as I grew to be a legend though, I met with him when the corrupt king was having a ball. I was there going to steal his treasure.

But I didn't remember or recognize him at first. He caused a massacre at the ball with one of his sea monsters 'a sea snake'.

We had a sword fight that night as he introduced himself as one of the descendant Davy Jones 'Deep Blue'.

after the devils lighthouse, I was chased by one of his sea monsters 'a giant shark'.

Then I set foot on the Bermuda Triangle. I met him again that day.

Deep-blue was furious that he see me again. No doubt his older brother 'Sea-Foam' was aware of it.

But after slaying his sea monster in the eye. Deep-blue tried to kill me with his power of the sea.

But he send me away. Deep down, he couldn't himself to kill me.

He's the reason why I find yee all.

That broach turned out to be an amulet that Davy Jones made for his two sons.

He must've known about them. I recognized him but he didn't.

Though after what we been through, no doubt Sonic was another Deep-Blue from another world.

He reminds me a little of him. I haft to leave. I gotta make things right with him.

First things first, I gotta make a quick stop to the fishing village.

Yee need to understand. I haft to get me old friend back.

I haft to leave and hopefully I don't become a seadog for the sea monsters.

I'll be back if I'm not going to be in the stomach of one of their sea monsters.

From: Dread."

By the time they finished reading, they were surprised.

Captain Black Rose said to the crew, "To the fishing village crew."

Baton replied to her, "But Captain we don't know where it is."

Captain Black Rose replied to her, "I be knowing someone who does."

She turns to see a ship (The Briar Rose). The sail had a pink rose on it.

It was Captain Black Roses old ship.

She was known as one of the fearless Rose Crew (a Viking group of sisters that fight against pirates).

She sings a lovely tune and luckily for them, they respond.

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