Ch. 22

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The pirate crew was surprised of Sonics return.

He already told him that a friend sent him as Dread looked at the sea while he sighed deeply.

Sonic then said, "So you are still Captain Black Rose?"

Black-Rose nodded and said, "Ai lad. I am."

That's when something clicked into his mind before he walks to Dread and asked, "Dread. Didn't you tell Deep-Blue you are not Captain anymore?"

Dread answered him as he looked down, "Even if I did he wouldn't believe me. When I told him about the whole thing with you and all. He, his brother, and the sea monsters not only did they not believe me. But they laughed at me."

Sonic raise a brow before he said, "Well I'm here so if he sees me, you can proceed that you were actually telling the truth."

Dread nodded in agreement after thinking about it.

Sonic and Dread looked around the ocean as he sighed deeply.

Luckily they reasoned Captain Black Rose to sail to the Bermuda Triangle.

It was a little bit long but worth it.

Sonic looks at Dread and it's a miracle that he didn't tell anyone about him being a prince.

He decided to check on him. He walked over to Dread before he asked, "You nervous?"

Dread replied as he looked at the sea, "Only if I become a tasty snack for his sea monster before I get a chance to talk to him."

Sonic then reassured him, "Dude. I'm sure he will understand. This Deep-Blue would probably listen to you this time."

Dread muttered, "I hope so."

That was when Sonic reached the front of the boat and grabbed the telescope to see if they're here.

Sonic asked as he spies two hourglasses on a stone, "What can I see if we are at the Bermuda Triangle?"

Dread answered as he walks to him, "If yee see two hour glasses on a violet rock. Why?"

Sonic answered him, "Cause I think we are here."

That's when Sonic sees multiple sea monsters popping up as Sonic muttered, "Oh geez NIGHTS wasn't kidding, this area is crawling with sea-monsters."

Things were going to get crazy.

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