Ch. 26

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Dark Deep-Blue was getting out of control as Dread approached him.

Dark Deep-Blue turns to him as Dread said, "Deep-Blue stop!!"

Dark Deep-Blue replied angrily as he growled, "I told yee to never bother the likes of I. But thou disobey I! So this be the end of the Captain Dread! Both thee and every one that claims I and thy brother as monsters!!"

That was when Dark Deep-Blue started to attack as Dread fends off his attacks with his sword.

With each passing blow, Dread slashed the attacks while walking towards Dark Deep-Blue.

He screamed as he used his ocean powers, "CEASE AND DESIST THEE!"

But Dread didn't obey as the storm got worst.

Kaiba and his crew had to take shelter on the island. Dark Deep-Blues rage and heartache while controlling the oceans and the storm.

Dread shouted as he took his hand, "DEEP-BLUE STOP!"

Dark Deep-Blue growled at the red echidna pirate as Dread said, "Listen to me Deep-Blue. I only came for you."

Dark Deep-Blue replied angrily, "THOU LIE!"

Dread then said with a stern look, "It's not boyo."

Dark Deep-Blue then replied, "Why does thou care? Thou are just like anyone else. Once thou had obtained the devils lighthouse thou said I be nothing but a monster of the seas."

Dread had a regretful expression on his face before he replied, "I know. What I said to yee was... Was hurtful. I never shoulda let some measly shiny rock get between me and yee. No treasure is going to be get between us."

The storm and the sea started to calm as Dark Deep-Blue asked in a stern tone, "And why does thou say that?!"

Dread answered him, "Cause yee said this 'That friendship is the one treasure yee want to earn. Please Deep-Blue I know yee have good inside yee. Like yer mother, yee want to bring peace. Please, listen to me. Do not be the monster they think yee are. I gave up me captain title to find yee and to talk to yee. So yee can have the one thing yee wanted so long ago."

Hearing Dreads words had made Dark Deep-Blue gone from enraged to surprise and sorrowful.

He slowly changed back to normal as he coughed started to get dizzy.

Dread shouted his name as he caught the now unconscious half mermaid.

The rain settled but Kaiba was still on the hunt.

Dread picked up the half mermaid version of the blue hedgehog 'bridal style' and whispered, "Sea-Foam isn't gonna like this but... We must take him with us."

At the same moment, Sails was succeeding in helping Nessie and removing the canon ball out of her and healed her wound.

Dread glides back to the ship 'with Deep-Blue in his arms'.

Sea-Foam commanded the sea monster army and eels to keep the war before Sea-Foams eyes widened 'seeing Dread take his younger brother' and screamed, "Ah' THY LITTLE BROTHER!"

Enraged Sea-Foam turned to the eels and shouted, "GET HIM!!"

Things were gonna get a bit ugly from there and here.

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