Ch. 21

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Dread took a deep breath before he explained, "It was way before I got me mitts on the map of the devils lighthouse. I was at Kaiba's ball with me old crew."

He then said as he looks down, "We be wanting to get our hands on the treasure he had gotten. But unfortunately, someone else was there to get back what was his."

Sonic asked, "Deep-Blue?"

Dread nodded 'answering his question'.


Dread and his old crew were at the party 'in disguise' looking for King Kaiba's recent treasure '2 hour glasses'.

Jack, Stormbeard, and Bunny-Bones looked around as Jack whispered, "Captain we better hurry this up."

Dread whispered angrily, "Do not rush me."

That was when he sees the hour glasses as King Kaiba announced his announcement to the aristocrats.

Dread was about to sneakily swipe the hour glasses but that was when the room went dark.

Jack asked, "What's happening?!"

The whole ballroom was in a panic. But then, suddenly... the room went dim and a mysterious cloaked figures appeared while a hypnotically beautiful siren song was heard.

The guests were standing there like statues as Jack, Bunny-Bones, and Stormbeard were under a trance.

Dread was the only one that didn't fall under its spell before seeing the figure but then all of a sudden, a giant snake appeared and gobbled up most of the guests.

Dread gasped before seeing the figure 'Deep-Blue' revealed himself as he continued singing.

He laughed when he stopped singing. Deep-Blue looked at the king as he said, "I have been believing that thou has something that belongs to I."

Kaiba shouted, "I have not got what thou seeks."

Deep-Blue angrily shouted simply, "THOU DOES LIE!!"

That was when he summoned a bubble or two on the hour glasses.

Deep-Blue smirked before he was confronted by Dread.

Dread said angrily as he pointed his sword at the half mermaid creature, "Those hour glasses will be mine. Now hand them over yee scurvy dog."

Deep-Blue replied to him with a surprise but displeasing tone and expression, "Thou has resisted thy siren song. Impressive I say. But thou shall perish the Captain Dread shall."

Dread was surprised before Deep-Blue revealed a sword in his hand. His sword was a Diamond blue blade.

(this is what the sword looks like but handle has a sea snake on it and the sword is smooth and sharp)

(this is what the sword looks like but handle has a sea snake on it and the sword is smooth and sharp)

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