Ch. 23

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The crew sees the Bermuda Triangle as Dread looks and said, "We be here captain."

Sonic looks at it as he said, "Huh. The Bermuda Triangle is more 'enchanting' but the seamonsters are really killing it."

A female voice said from off the ship, "So Dread has actually redeemed thee-self after all."

The group looked around as Sonic asked, "Huh? Who said that?"

Another female voice answered, "Down here!!"

The two looked at the bottom of the ship and to Sonics surprise, it was a 7 or maybe 10 of mermaids looking at them.

2 Sonic coulda sworn he recognized.

That was when a mermaid 'who bored so much resemblance to Sonics sister 'Sonia' with a pink tail and seashells' said to Dread, "Oh Captain Dread. Have thou change thee mind about I and thee being together?"

Sonic looks as Dread without turning his head with a 'what the heck is she talking about' as Dread explained 'turning to the blue hedgehog', "Yee give the lass a compliment or two and she actually thought I liked her knowing full well I was persuading her to give me the map to the devils lighthouse."

Sonic asked with a raised brow, "You got the map from a mermaid that looks like my big sister. Isn't this a twist?"

Dread nodded as he had an embarrassed look on his face.

Sonic thought as he sighed deeply while he facepalmed, "Geez, it's Sonia and Knuckles all over again."

He then spotted a familiar face and shouted, "Rika?!"

He then sees it's just a mermaid that looks like her.

He then said, "Oh, sorry... I thought you were someone else."

The mermaid shrugged before she whispered to the other mermaid, "Who shall be that mortal that looks like Deep-Blue?"

The mermaid that looks like Sonia shrugged and said, "I do not know."

Sonic looked at them while he asked, "Uhh Dread, are these the deadly mermaids?"

Dread answered, "No. Normally a mermaid would be a cruel and cold blooded killer. Besides I survived the scariest of  them. These are different. These are the pure mermaids. They be the purest ones yee see in the ocean. Normally they spread good luck and hope. But due to Kaiba's cruelty to not just others on land but on sea as well. Not to mention they're real scared of Sea-Foam and Deep-Blues sea monsters."

Sonic 'pitiful for them' said, "Dang. That's a bummer."

Dread then said to him, "According to them, Deep-Blue and Sea-Foam are over there guarding the hour glasses. But approaching either of them is not easy, due to the area filled with sea monsters."

Sonic asked, "These sea monsters maybe sharp but can't you get there undetected?"

Dread answered as he shrugged, "Not unless yee were spotted by a 50 foot shark."

He then turns to the mermaid that looks like Sonia said, "First off I don't like like her Aquamarine. Second off, I'm here to see Deep-Blue."

The mermaids gasped before Aquamarine said, "Are thou crazy? He'll kill you!"

Sonic protested, "That's a risk he's willing to take for him."

Dread asked, "Now what yee lassies doing here?"

Aquamarine answered, "Are thou obvious? For battle!!"

Dread and the others were surprised at this as Sonic asked, "Battle? Wait? Are you saying you're fighting against your own brothers?"

Aquamarine turns to Sonic and answered, "Correct are thee. But, thy brothers are lost to the darkness of thy fathers devilish ways. A choice I do not have."

Sonic asked, "Can't you at least reason with them? If it were me and my big brother, my sister would do the same."

Aquamarine looks down and said, "Believe I, mortal version of Deep-Blue...."

Dread protested, "His names Sonic. Aquamarine, Not Deep-Blue."

Aquamarine then replied, "Be that as it may. But listen Sonic. Even if I wanted, I can't. Thy brothers are stubborn."

Dread sadly looked and said, "Not both of them. I'm here to talk to your little brother. Have you seen him?"

A familiar female voice then said, "I know such a place that Deep-Blue goes to."

Sonic looked around before Dread 'knowing that voice' said to Sonic as a mermaids head popped up, "Sonic? This is Deep-Blues, Sea-Foams, and Aquamarines mother. The purest mermaid 'Crystal La-Siren'."

Sonic turns to Crystal 'which to Sonics surprise has a striking resemblance to his mother 'Queen Aleena' with a flower on her head and a Pearl crown'.

Sonic mumbled under his breath in surprised as he had a surprise expression, "Mom..."

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