Ch. 25

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That was when Dread and Sonic heard a canon outside as Deep Blue and Nessie looked at each other.

With curiosity, Deep-Blue and Nessie went out fast inside the water.

Dread looks at Sonic 'who was confused a little' and said, "He be fast as yee but only in the water. He bares the power of the seas."

Sonic replied, "Uhuh. Let's see what's happening."

That was when Dread said to him as he allowed Sonic to climb into his back, "I have a bad feeling about this boyo."

That was when Dread glided outside to a rock nearby.

But once they landed they see Dreads ship and another ship battling as the sea monsters and mermaids battling each other.

Sonic asked, "Is that Captain Jacks boat?"

Dread shakes his head and replied as Sonic got off the pirates back, "No that's Kaibas boat. He maybe a corrupted ruler but he is also the leader of pirate hunters and ocean killers."

Sonic asked in an uneasy but obvious manner, "And we agree that's not good right?"

Dread answered with a nod as he looked at him, "Oh yeah lad. Not even a smidge. He had been hunting every pirate down in order to execute them and steal their gold. Even the good ones. He had been hunting me down since that party. But me and me crew had been slipping away from him."

Dread then sees Deep-Blue looked at the unsightly battle on an island nearby the cove.

Deep-Blue used his sea powers to help his brother on the island as Dread said to Sonic, "Go help the others. I gotta get to Deep-Blue."

Sonic asked, "But how?"

That was when Dread pulled out a pendant and said as he gives it to Sonic, "Use this then."

The pendant had a seafoam green crystal in the middle and the chain was as crystal clear as the sea.

Sonic asked, "What's this pendant for?"

That was when Dread answered, "It's the pendant of poseidon the sea god. It's said to turn someone into a mermaid. But it only works on one with royal blood. It will work when you set foot in the sea. It can also protect yee from Deep-Blues hypnotic singing."

(Sort of like this but with a crystal color chain)

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(Sort of like this but with a crystal color chain)

Knowing Dread has to do this alone, Sonic nodded in agreement and hesitatingly jumped into the ocean and that was when a light blue light shines before he turned into a merhog.

Sonic thought as he looked at his tail, "Geez. Guess Dread wasn't kidding about the mermaid thing."

That was when Sonic speeds to ship.

Nessie roared before Deep-Blue replied, "I know. I don't think I can hold off those mermaids much longer."

That was when the ships swift away from each other as Kaiba spies them before he commanded one of his crew mates, "FIRE AT THAT BLUE BRAT!!"

One of the crew mates nodded and replied, "YES YOUR HIGHNESS!"

The canon turns to Deep-Blue before he shoots it at it.

Nessie sees he was about to be hit as Deep-Blue prepares to block it while Dread tries to rushed to them.

But that was when it stopped when Nessie blocked the way with a loud painful roar.

Deep-Blue gasped with his eyes widened. He screamed her name as Nessie collapsed onto the sandy island.

With clear tears in his eyes as he gasped in a teary way and said, "No... Old Nessie... No.."

He cried softly before he looked at Kaibas ship, the war between mermaids and sea monsters, and then the pirates.

He then started to get enraged while crying. He then let out an inhuman but angry howl as he turned dark and his legs turned into tentacles.

The skies turned dark grey as Sails 'sees the injured sea monster' before using a boat nearby to quickly comes to its aid.

Deep-Blue then controlled the ocean while going on a heartbreaking rampage.


The waves were going out of control as Dread gets closer to him while fighting the wind and harsh waves.

He was a No place version of Dark Sonic.

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