Ch. 27

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When they reached the ship, the group was surprised as Dread laid the cobalt hedgehog down.

Sonic speeds to them as he asked, "Is he alright?"

Dread answered as he gave a small bottle of flash (with a crystal clear water) to the unconscious Deep-Blue, "That Darkness made him very ill. These mermaid tears will heal him up. Even though he's half mermaid. He still needs to be healed."

Sonic nodded in understanding before looking at Deep-Blue and commented, "Huh. Gotta admit he is a tad different up close. I'll help you with him."

Dread picks him up and replied as he walked to the room for the crew, "That be fine Sonic but I got this."

When they entered, Dread places the half mermaid on one of the hammocks and said, "There. That should make the lad comfortable."

A familiar female voice then said in his mind, "Yer doing well Sonic."

Sonic thought as he looked around, "NIGHTS? Where are you?"

The English female voice of the nightmaren rebel answered in his head, "I haft to talk to you somehow Sonic. I can actually communicate in someone's mind ya know."

Sonic whispered as his back was turned to Dread, "Yer really full of surprises buddy."

NIGHTS voice answered, "Hehe. That's what the old bird says. But not in the way you say it."

Sonic asked quietly, "Is there any chance...?"

NIGHTS voice answered before he finished his question, "There is but listen, once this Sonic wakes up he needs to be reasoned."

Sonic whispered as he looks at the bracelets it was turning purple, "I understand but I better hurry. I think morning is coming in Greenhills."

Dread 'turns to him' and asked in confusion, "Hey Blue, Who are yee talking to?"

Sonic looks at him and said to him, "Ehh, I'll tell you later."

Black Rose asked, "Hey, where is Sails?"

The group looked around for Sails as they were confused to know where Sails is.

Dread then turns to them and said, "I better hope Kaiba hasn't gotten to him. I'm gonna go find him."

He rushed out 'ignoring Black Roses warnings'.


Sails 'who went over to Nessies side to remove the canon ball out of her' healed her wound a little.

Nessie 'woke up to this and was surprised at this'.

Once Sails healed her, he landed on the sand only for Nessie to see him.

She roared just before Sails said, "Hold on lassie. I did it to save yee. Besides I seen how close yee are with the lad."

Nessie roared but then roared in confusion.

Sails said to her, "How I be knowing what yee are saying? I be raised by sea monsters me-self before I be a pirate."

Nessie roared before she looked around for Deep-Blue and roared.

Sails replied, "Don't yee worry about him. But listen to me and please don't eat me for saying this. But the ocean needs us to rid of that corrupted ruler 'Kaiba' and we need the blue hedgehog."

Nessie 'knowing he might have a point' roared a little and lowered her head.

Sails then offered as he pets her head, "How about yee come with us? I know that hedgehog never goes without yee."

Nessie roared a shirt roar about 5 times.

Sails then said, "I see. So yee have children that still need to be hatched."

That was when Nessie looked up and roared a little before sternly roared.

Sails replied to her, "Don't yee worry lassie. The hedgehog will be alright. We will look after him. I promise yee that lassie. Now I need to find a way to get back to the ship."

Nessie roared softly before Sails said, "Yee want to give me a ride? Sure thing lassie."

Nessie roared a short roar. Sails then said, "Nessie huh? That's be a pretty name for yee lassie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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