Ch. 20

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The morning sun shined on the two as Dread woke up on Sonics lap.

He looked at the slumbering hedgehog and frowned sadly as he thought, "So much resemblance of Deep-Blue. I wonder..."

The pirate touched Sonics face while he still slept.

But as soon as Sonic woke up, they heard footsteps coming there way.

Sonic asked him quietly, "What's happening?"

Dread hushed him before a familiar voice said angrily, "Ugh! The descendant of Davey Jones shall perish!"

Sonic asked quietly? "Who is it?"

Dread answered, "The most heartless ruler of east No Place. King Kaiba."

The two looked out but still in hiding. Sonic thought in shock, "WHAT?!"

The heartless ruler 'bored so much resemblance to one of Sonics arch enemies and the Anti-Sonic and the king of criminals 'Scourge The Hedgehog' was looking down on his guards and said, "That wretched monster shall perish. For what he have been doing."

One of the guards replied, "Your highness, let there be known that every guard is searching for the treacherous sea-monster."

King Kaiba replied as he slapped the guard, "Thou aren't enough. I shall get the wretched Deep-Blue and the Captain Dread too."

Sonic asked quietly, "What did you do to get him upset?"

Dread answered him quietly as the king and guards walked off, "Before I be hunting for the Devils lighthouse, I have been stealing from King Kaiba's ball. It was at the kings ball at nighttime."

Sonic asked him as they walked out of the boat, "So you and your old crew mates were crashing a party?"

Dread answered while looking at the sky, "Well? To be honest, yes I tried. But that was the day I saw Deep-Blue once again. But I didn't remember him at the time."

Sonic replied to him, "That's kinda how me and Knuckles sort of met."

Dread asked, "What do you mean?"

Sonic then explained to him, "Well me and Knuckles met as rivals and became friends after realizing he was tricked. But to tell you the truth, it wasn't actually the first time I met him."

Dread asked, "You both met but forgotten each other?"

Sonic nodded and answered, "Yes. The first time we really met. He thought all three of us were thieves."

Dread got confused before he asked, "Three?"

Sonic answered, "Yeah. Me, my sister, and my brother."

Dread 'in a surprise expression' asked, "Yee have siblings as well?"

Sonic felt uneasy before Dread asked, "What are yee not telling me?"

Sonic answered him sadly, "Dread? I too was abandoned as a baby. Both me and my sibs. But unlike Deep-Blue and his siblings, we were dropped off into 3 separate foster homes. My sister was raised by rich people, my brother was raised by thieves, and me? I was practically raised by a normal family 'who are part of the resistance', but the family I was raised was taken and killed. So my Uncle 'from my Fathers side' took me in. He was always there for me."

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