Ch. 16

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It was a silent moment between the former captain and the half mermaid 'that is the descendant of a the sea devil 'Davey Jones' himself'.

Dread sighed deeply before he suddenly hugged Deep-Blue.

Nessie was dumbstruck as Dread said, "I'm relieved you are safe Deep-Blue."

Deep-Blue pushed him off before he said in offense, "Keep thou arms to thee-self! Are thou out of thee mind? Thou are insane?!"

Nessie roared a small roar again 'agreeing with her master'.

Dread got himself up before he looks down.

Deep-Blue asked, "What, Thy Father got thee tongue?"

Dread asked looked down, "Yee didn't see the destruction?"

Deep-Blue answered him sternly, "Correct, I seen thee destruction that thou had done. Thou had the nerve to control time and space and try to deconstruct our world."

Dread then said, "No! It wasn't how it happened. Look! What I'm about to tell yee, may sound crazy."

That was when the eels, a few more of the sea monsters appear.

Then, Sea-Foam appeared with a growled.

Sea-Foam said to Dread angrily, "thou has some nerve approaching thy brother after what happened."

Deep-Blue simply said, "Yeah."

Dread then said 'trying to make things calm', "Listen to me. I can explain. Most of that wasn't me doing."

Deep-Blue asked, "Is he pulling thy leg?"

Nessie roared in a 'I dunno' style way.

Sea-Foam whispered to his brother as he sighed stressfully, "Best to listen, this shall to be his most awful excuse brother."

Deep-Blue nodded in agreement. Dread stood up and said, "Look, you both probably won't believe me but most of what happened in this world, it wasn't entirely me fault."

Sea-Foam said angrily, "Tis better be reasonable ye snake!"

Deep-Blue also said, "And don't dare waste out time! We shall get back to the Bermuda Triangle or some soulless fool will try to steal the hour glasses of time and space. Just like thee try to."

Dread looks down before he told them both everything as the sea monsters were confused and the eels looked at each other in a dumbstruck way.

Dread finished his explanation, "And that be what had happened. I know this be very difficult to believe but yee haft to believe me."

The cove was silent. Deep-Blue said 'breaking the silence', "'Tis shall be the most... unbelievable excuse I have been heard."

Sea-Foam then replied, "Agree dear brother. Thou had bounce time and space? You lie!"

The two brothers laughed as the sea monsters and eels laughed as well.

Nessie snickered at Dread and his tale.

Undoubtedly they don't believe in his story. When they stopped laughing and calm down.

Deep-Blue stared coldly at Dread before he said 'walking to him', "Tis shall be the most awful lie thou had told us. Looking at thee makes I sick. Thou are just everyone else that sees I and thy brother as monsters. And that is what thy brother and I are to thee and No Place!"

He then pushed Dread in the water before he said, "Now go away!"

Dread was going to say something before Sea-Foam used his power to raise him up and said angrily, "And Stay away from thy little brother Yee Sea-Snake!"

He then throws Dread to a wall nearby and once he hits the wall, Dread was knocked out to the point of unconsciousness.

The last thing he seen was the two hedgehog brothers leaving with their sea monsters.

<A Few Hours Later>

Dread was unconscious for a little bit longer, before he started to stir and wake up as he groaned painfully.

He then said as he sat up, "Geez, That Sea-Foam is as powerful as his little brother. But what was Deep-Blue talking about? Something about a war?"

Then, a sudden angelic glow appeared as he closed his eyes tightly.

It faded as Dread opened his eyes and asked, "What the heck was...?"

Dread trailed off before seeing Sonic unconscious on the other side of the ground.

Dread asked 'in surprise', "Sonic? How did he...?"

Dread looked around before he went over to the other side to check on him.

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