Chapter Two - Olivia's POV

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Ellie, Aribella, Alexis and I run through the rain, it's heavy and the wind is blowing it in the direction of the building walls. Ellie is screaming about the rain plummeting down on her head. It's not like your average movie where we all run with our purses above our head to keep our hair dry. No, we are running, well, hobbling quickly. You can't run fast in heels. I almost want to take them off and run barefoot. There is a bus stop a head, only just a bit further. The four of us run basically in a line until we reach it.

I stop under the shelter. My hair is soaking wet. Little droplets run off the end of my now wavy hair. I get my phone out of my purse and find grandma has left a message. I'm stuck in traffic. I'm sorry, you girls are going to have to keep heading home. I'll pick you up as soon as I can get out of it. Love Grandma. I put my phone back in my purse, "We're going to have to keep going," Ellie groans, "My hair!" I turn to look down in the direction we are heading, there is only dim lighting in the abandoned streets. It looks so dodgy in the night but during the day it is full of people. I take my heels off this time; I don't want to be down there any longer than I have to.

The others quickly hobble while I run. The light is fading as the glowing lights from China town get further and further away. Lightening flashes in the sky and thunder booms. I hate thunder storms with a passion. The wind is still so strong and cold. It sends chills up my arms and back. I don't know why I wore a dress tonight, why did any of us, it's not like it was a formal occasion. Aribella might be leaving but a going away dinner with her closest friends really isn't a formal thing. I can't imagine going to school without her. We've been friends since diapers, practically sisters and now she is ripping away another piece of my heart.

In the distance I see two lights shining through the misty air. A white car starts to emerge. "Hey, it's my Grandma, she made it," Ellie starts whooping with excitement even though her hear is already ruined. The car pulls in and I see Grandma's face. Alex opens the back door and the three of them start to get in. I open the front door when out of the corner of my eye I spot a shadow moving. It moves swiftly and fast like a fox in the night. Then it disappears into an old abandoned warehouse. How strange. Why would someone be going in there. I get in the car, "Did you see that?"

"See what?" Aribella asks.

"That shadow, person I think,"


"Why would anyone be moving around in weather like this?" Ellie chimes in. She sounds annoyed probably because of her hair.

"Well we did, didn't we?" Alex says to make a point.

"Yeah I guess," I rest my elbow on the car door and stare out into the distance, "It was probably just a cat or something,"

"And a stupid cat, at that!" Ellie says.

When we get back to my house no one is home. I unlock the door and we go inside. We head to the bathroom and start to blow dry our soaking hair, and our clothes. Whisker's brushes up against the door frame, "Meow," I look down at him and he rolls on the floor. "No, not now," he stands up and walks off looking all snooty.

Soon Ellie and Alex have left and Aribella's mum pulls up in the driveway. I wrap my arms around her and we hug. "I'm going to miss you," I say to her and my eyes start to fill with tears. "I'm going to miss you too," Her voice trembles as she speaks. She pulls away and puts her hand to her neck where she has a necklace with half a heart on it. I grab the half heart necklace around my neck. "Forever," She says.

"Forever," And just like that Aribella was gone. I didn't know if I would ever see her again.

"Liv, do you want me to stay?" I hear Grandma's voice coming from the kitchen. "No it's ok, Mum will be home soon," I walk over to Grandma. She hugs me and kisses me on the head, "I'm sure fate will bring her back to you," She lets go and walks out the front door. I lock the door behind her. "Meow," Whiskers is rubbing up my legs. 'You must be hungry, no one's fed you' I think to myself. I head to the laundry and get out a can of fancy feast cat food.

While Whiskers eats his dinner I go have a warm shower. The water trickles down my bare skin, my hair wet, and freshly washed this time. I stand under the water for a while thinking deeply. I get out of the shower and dry myself with a warm fuzzy towel. Outside the bathroom Whiskers is waiting. I get into my freshly made bed. Whiskers sits on the end curled up in a ball sleeping. I scroll through all my networking sites and check youtube, and play some games, and read the news. It gets to 11:00 and Mum is still not home. I need to go to sleep or I'll be tired for school in the morning. I close my eyes and everything stops.

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