Chapter Twenty One - Aria's POV

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After the sleepover and everyone had left, I started fidgeting again. My mind became a race, where each thought tried to spin around me the fastest.
There were many contestants: dad got a woman pregnant, big essay due soon, the chef is trying to feed me kale...
But one stayed in my mind better than the chewing gum under the school tables that only I seem to find.
The private detective.
I wanted it to be midnight already so I could finally find the diary. The time seemed to drag on, not that I didn't have plenty to do. I had assignment after assignment and tests and source analysises and well... You get the point.
But time seemed to tick so slowly. Every second seemed like and hour and every hour seemed like a year.
Mum wasn't home today. Or dad. They are probably to scared they'll run into each other here. My family is never ordinary and meet will be. But then again, whose is?
When the empty yet full house had shut down, I slipped on my warm black coat and black converse. It was drizzling outside but nothing I couldn't handle.
The bus and closed down for the night so I had to walk down blocks of suburbs. Each house had turned their lights off. I envied them. I could see mothers kissing their daughters head and whispering a sweet 'goodnight' in windows of small homes. I use the word 'home' not 'house' because that is a home. With swings and dolls in he yard and pink curtains for the girls and blue for the boys. My house is a house a hard and cold. Not warm and admirable.
I ignore the the story cats and find my alley. The warehouse is much the same.
Same cobble floor, same smelly bins and same frightening door.
The window is still smashed from the other night and no shelf is moved.
My heart races like horses on a track, each beat faster and closer to the finish line. I see the metal shelf. I see the yellow envelope. I see the information I need.
I pick it up and look inside.

I have found your journal but not retrieved it. Now, I know I said I would tell you the address but this is tricky business. The owner is brutal. I will not get the journal for you. I am risking a lot just by telling you the address... That's why by providing me with $200 I might just give you the address. Leave the money here and come back Tuesday night. Thank you for you money and patience.

Are you serious?! I paid for him to find the journal already! Argh. I slid the money in the envelope and walk out.


Walking down the school hallway is pretty normal. I find my locker and start gathering my books. I must be early.
I pull out my brand new phone and check the time. Instead I see about one hundred texts from people. First I check one from mum.

Sweety, your father probably has told you the news. I won't be home from anther few days. I'm going to a London law institute to start settling the agreements. Xx

Argh. The next one is from Olivia.

Hi, I hope your feeling alright today. See you at school.

I guess I have friends now. People who actually care. Then there is another text from Dad.

Aria, I haven't talk to you since the news. I just wanted to see how you are getting on.

I slide down my locker and lay against the metal. I've had enough of this and it's barely started.
My eyes are heavy and I want to sleep. Last night meant I am fairly lacking in the sleep department. The someone kicks me in the shin, breaking my train of thought.
"The bells gone."
"What? Cara? Who's that?" I ask.
"Yeah, C-A-R-A and this is R-U-B-Y" she answer emphasising each letter in their names.
"Oh ok" I says going back to my phone.
"I should go to class, since it is the first day and all" Ruby suddenly states.
"Aria you look like shit. How much sleep did you get last night?" Cara ask yanking her phone out of her hands.
"I couldn't sleep, I just kept on thinking about my mum and dad and now my future half sibling and the English essay I have due and the math test tomorrow and the humanities in class analysis I have to study for" Aria says in a mad rush, not taking a single breath.
I leave out the part about the warehouse.
"Dude calm down I've got a welcome distraction that I think you'll find really amazing and you'll be forever in my debt now of course." Cara says nudging my shoulder slightly.
"I've scored you a date."
"With who? When? How? Why? What?" I saw in total shock.
Me? On a date?! Never!
"With Danny. On Saturday night. He asked me if you would want to hang out with him sometime and I was like duh! Of course she would."
"Why?" I asks quietly.
"Why what?"
"Why did you do that?"
"Because you mean a lot to me. Your the girl, friend I never had growing up and I want to make you happy. And I know Danny would make you happy," she explains staring at her feet, uncomfortable sharing that information.
I smiled and replied with no words but with a tight hug.
"Thankyou! THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU!!!!!!" I squealed.
"Now we just need to decide what your going to wear because God knows you can't do it," Cara admits bluntly.
"What? What's wrong with my clothes?"
"One word; frills."
With that she walks of to class and I am left with a smile on my face. I blush excitedly and chase Cara to English.
Walking into class, I see Liv talking to Ellie.
I smile at her, "Hi."
She looks away as Ellie sniggers. I feel like someone just shot me with a gun. I blinked confused. I must look like a deer in headlights. Cara just grabs my arm and pulls me to the back off the class.
"Wha?" I say confused.
"Out of school she may have been nice but a girl like her,"Cara thrusts her head in Liv's direction. "Cares about her reputation more than us."
I bite my lip and sit down. What happened to the 'hope your feeling okay' text?
Maybe I don't matter...

Aww, poor Aria being ignored. Who's excited for Danny and Aria's date?!

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