Chapter Thirty One - Cara's POV

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Waking up I felt like shit. My nose wouldn't stop running and my throat hurt every time I breathed. My head was spinning and I felt like throwing up every five seconds. I hate life. My sudden thoughts of self pity were interrupted when my phone rang, the collar ID telling me that its Ruby. I quickly answered.

"Hello?" I say, my voice sounding deep and scratchy.
"Hey...wait are you ok?" Ruby asks, concerned.
"Iiiii....i'm....siiiccckkk"I mutter out in between sneezing.
"Aw poor baby, hold your horses I'm on my way" Ruby States not even giving me time to interject.
" I don't want you to get sick *sneeze* beside I'm not that bad *cough*" I exclaim, trying to convince her not to come.
"What no, I'm in my car already a way so I have to go, see you in a sec babe" Ruby says, quickly hanging up.

Looking around I suddenly realise that Aria isn't here, so I slowly make my way of my bed, and do my best at walking down the stairs without hurting every part of my body.

"What the fuck!!?! How could all the food be gone, I just went food shopping yesterday, you can start food shopping now, I don't have time for this shit!!" My dad yells at my brothers before hearing me. Looking up. Then resuming on yelling at everyone, including myself this time. Aria is sitting on the couch awkwardly wearing cute grey knitwear. She doesn't look at me but I can see bags under her eyes.

"Shhh can you keep it down" I cough out, my voice dry and sore.
"Shit Cara, you look like crap!" Aiden exclaims looking at my pale face, dark under eyes and bed hair. I couldn't even form a comeback I felt so bad. The door soon rang, meaning Ruby was here. Opening the door I was met with the beauty that is Ruby. She was holding a massive pot and several bags, hopefully meaning she's cooked. She's a great cook.

"Why are you out of bed?" She asked concernedly, slowly ushering me upstairs to bed. She dumped her bags on the floor and gently put the pot down before scooping me up into her arms and carrying me upstairs, into my room. Not even breaking a sweat she placed me gently onto the bed, before tucking me in and kissing me forehead and going back downstairs.

I couldn't get comfortable as I was over heating, as I was covered with mounds of blankets. Luckily I didn't have to stay that way for to much longer as Ruby came busting through my door with a tray, with a bowl of chicken soup, a bread roll and a mug of tear situated on it. She was for some reason balancing all of this with one hand, and when she revealed what was in her other hand I think I coughed my lungs up. In her left hand she was holding a massive bouquet of white chrysanthemums, my all time, favourite flower.

"Ruby you didn't have to do all of this" I say meekly, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.
"I know, I just wanted to show you I could do the whole domestic thing not just the dangerous, bad girl thing. If that makes sense." Ruby replies, slowly laying down on my bed beside me.

"Thank you Ruby, I really lov-like you" I say, hoping she didn't notice that I nearly said that I love her. Luckily I don't think she did.

"I really like you to" she replies, bringing the tray up and spooning up mouthfuls of delicious smelling chicken soup into my mouth.
Hours later, the tray lay forgotten on the floor and Ruby was curled up, sleeping deeply beside me. I couldn't of been happier. Unfortunately this blissful moment was interrupted by my phone ringing suddenly. Not knowing who it was I answered, immediately regretting it once I'd done so.

"Hello Cara?" His gravelly voice asked, knowing full well he had the right number.
"Yes it's me" I answer, trying to get my voice to sound strong.
"I found your mothers location" He replies immediately getting to the point.
"What?" I answer, trying to stop myself from yelling.
"Go the usual place, the warehouse beside grange, be there at 7 tonight, I've got another client before that"With that he disconnected the call and left me with my thoughts. Did I even need to find her now? Do I care anymore?. It's too late now I couldn't help but think as I slowly pulled myself out of Ruby's warm hold and write a quick note telling her I've gone for a walk and should be back soon.

Slowly making my way downstairs, being careful not to let anyone know I'm leaving, I make me way out the house and into my car. Driving to the warehouse, I kept on contemplating on whether to turn around and head back home, where my awesome girlfriend and warm bed awaited but I kept on going on.

Finally arriving at the creepy building I stepped out of my car after having several pep talks with myself, and made my way inside where I find a note, on the floor of the entry, reading;

Dear Cara,
Here is the address where your mother resides, 17 Grey St Hindmarsh. Its been a pleasure working with you,
Yours truly,
Private Detective P

I can't believe I have her address, I can't believe that I now know where she lives. Looking up from the page I notice a piece of paper thrown onto the floor, someone must have accidentally dropped it recently. Opening it up I was weirded out by its contents;

I have found the location of the diary or so I believe. I will not retrieve it for you but I feel you should have the address. 74 Cornell Ave. Thank you for your money, time and patience...
Private Detective P

I don't even know why I was so weirded out, I couldn't put my finger on it, upon reading it again I realised why. 74 Cornell Ave. That's Danny's address.

Thanks for reading. Comment below your favourite character from the book so far!!!
Love ya babes, Maddy

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