Chapter Thirty Three - Aria's POV

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Walking into the school gates without Cara felt like it was just a few weeks ago when I sat alone. Except for one thing.
People actually noticed me. They stared. I tried to ignore it until when I got to my locker.
There was a girl who I think might be in my Biology class. She's one of the girls who always giggles and says Mr G is hot.
Her big blue eyes are wide open with excitement and her curly blonde hair (clearly fake) bibs up and down as she speaks.
"Your Aria aren't you? I'm Cecilia."
I nod in wonder. She knows my name?
"Is it true that you slapped Tyler?!" She gasps in some kind of curious wonder.
I nod again and she giggles. And grabs my shoulder.
"Why?!" She smiles.
"He hurt a friend," I shrug.
"Who?!" Cecilia begins to sequel at the sound of gossip.
I hesitate. Does Liv want everyone to know we are friends? He did break up with Tyler standing up for me...
"You friends with Olivia?!" She exclaims shocked. "I thought that was just a rumour!"
I shake my head.
"Is it that he broke up with her for Lilia?!"
Who's Lilia? What kind of lies are going around?
"No," I mumble. "It was a neutral agreement."
I don't mention the argument. Cecilia will probably find out later from some other gossip queen.
"Who's Lilia?" I ask.
"She's new!" She gasp. "And has the most amazing body. I heard she's a model from Denmark and was on a the Big Brother Sweden!"
I stare confused. What a lie.
"She's a senior and Tyler and her are a thing now!"
Then she sighs and turns around.
"I'll catch up with you some time," the blonde says. "Ciao!"
I shake my head. Lilia? I don't believe that it's true. Only one day after Liv and him broke up and he's already found a new ringleader. And a senior!
How do I tell Liv...
The day is pretty boring and all I think about is the address. 72 Cornell Ave. I'll go there as soon as I can. On the weekend probably. I don't see Liv at all. She's probably with Ellie.
I check my phone. It's from Danny.

Hey. I was just wondering I know we are seeing each other on the weekend but that's a while away so I thought we could meet for something to eat. If not that's cool.

I clutch my heart and smile to the sky. He texted me. I flutter and what to dance down the hallway. I stop myself. Then I pause. What do I reply. I don't want to seem desperate or reject him.
I start to type.

Sure, I'll meet you at the front of my school at 3:30.

I hesitate to press send then close t eyes and do it anyway. Oh my gosh! I sent it. Next thing I know I get a reply.


I smile and pack my stuff. It's three twenty. Suddenly I get another text. He double texted! Oh wait. No it's mum.

Hey sweetie. Come back home please dear. I love you. I need you to weigh yourself today okay? I love you. Xx

I ignore it and try to clear my head.
At the front of the school I quickly give my hair a brush before putting it in a messy bun. I look at my cute grey knitted sweater and denim jeans hoping that I look okay. My gold necklace with two stars at the bottom is visible and I hope my mascara is okay.
Then I see him. His amazing cheek bones, beautiful eyes, only one problem.
He's on a motorbike. A motorbike.
I can't ride a motorbike! Never! I'll fall or die or all and die! I just can't! I won't.
"Hey," he yells over the sound of his engine.
"Hi," I wave shyly.
"Hop on."
I signals with his he'd to the back and I see people stare at me. They are probably confused but I don't care. Kind of...
"Well c'mon!"
He smiles and I just melt. Then he laughs.
"Never ridden in before?"
I nod and bite my lip. Danny's smile is great...
He parks and strides over to me. I puts his hand out and I blush.
"Don't be afraid," Danny says sweetly.
"I don't know how ride one," I mumble. "I'm kinda scared to..."
"It's okay," he replies. "I'll teach and protect you..."
I bite my lip and take his hand. My heart beats at his touch. His hands are rough and warm.
He takes me over to the bike and puts in the helmet for me. His eyes are so close. I can almost feel his breath.
"Hold on."
Danny sits on the black leather seat and I hesitantly do the same.
"Now put your arms around me and hold on."
I close my eyes and my heart races. The sound of the motor fills my ears and all of a sudden we move. I clasp his waist and hide my face.
"Ah!" I scream. "Oh my gosh! Agh!"
I feel adrenaline pulse through my veins and I can't breath.
"Look up," he yells.
I try to control my breath and slowly raise my head and open my eyes.
It's amazing. We zoom down the street and I raise my head. I feel the wind in my hair and all I can hear is the breeze zooming past my ears. I smile and laugh.
"Now look up," he laughs.
I do. I stare at the sky and see the clouds above my head rush by and the wind in my hair makes my hair tie fall out and suddenly my hair is let free.
I'm let free.
The air is cool and I scream. I feel this sensation and flutter. It's happiness.
I close my eyes and lean backwards and listen to the breeze. The sun rays warm my pale skin and I smile.
"Wooohoooo!" I scream. "This is amazing!"
I hear Danny's deep laugh in front of me and I stare at him. Suddenly I realise how tight I'm holding him. I almost let go but he turns around and looks at me and I feel too safe to let go.
I rest my chin on his shoulder and neck. I felt...
I like it.

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