Chapter Thirty Nine - Caras POV

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Ignoring Aria and Olivia I kept on spiking my punch. All I ever do is be nice and care for them and they have the audacity to keep secrets from me? Like what the fuck? I was pouring my fifth drink, hardly an inch of fruit punch and the rest up to the rim of champagne. I was so done. Turning around I bumped into a figure and upon closer inspection I could see that it was Ruby.

"Hey, are you ok?" Ruby asks concerned at my current disheveled state. My hair was a birds nest and my heels have gone somewhere.

"Ifs imfiness mf' fine" I try say but my speech slurred.

"What the fuck Cara how many drinks have you had you reek?" Ruby says pulling me into a small alcove.

"Fwee" I try to say convincingly and without slurring.

She just raises an eyebrow.

"Fwine fiveee. Why doo you car annnyyyway you don't give a shitt about me liikkke evveyone else you hide thiinngs froom me." I shout at her done with this.

"Okay, we'll talk about that later, you need some water" with that she lifted me up and took me into a small guest room before laying me into the bed.

"I'll be back in a sec" Ruby says before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

She was gone for about a second before she came back with a massive glass of water.

"Here drink this" she says passing it to me.
I quickly gulped it all down, suddenly really thirsty, and not just for water. Pulling Ruby in for a kiss I was lost in the feeling of numbness. I was addicted to the sweet taste of her mouth and the tingly feeling in my head.

"No, Cara stop. Your absolutely pissed right now and it's your brothers engagement party, you need to get your shit together for at least an hour and go and celebrate their engagement. Okay?" Ruby says tiredly.

"Okay" I answer slowly getting up, doing my best not to hit anything or fall in my face, it was hard though with my legs resembling jelly.

Walking out the room I see that they have started the congratulation speeches.

"I've been related to this dork since he was born and I wouldn't have it any other way. Back in the olden days this little tyke was a massive trouble maker, a complete and utter womaniser but as soon as he met Maddi everything changed, she helped become the great person he is today and so I would like to raise a toast the happy couple and may your wedding day be as good as today!" Aiden shouted to the crowd of guests surrounding the stage.

"Now I would like to call up our little sister Cara who would like to say a few words" Aiden says, having planned the order of speeches yesterday and not knowing about my current un-comprehensive state.

Tripping my way up the stage I stopped in the middle and my mind went blank. what the fuck was I going to say?

"I looovvveee you, I really really looovvveee yooouuu twwwoooo, twwwooooo is fun to say. Now, I like really really loooovvveeee yoooouuu twwwoooo yyyooour a coooolll couple and I hoooppe yoouur baaaby is ass cool asss yooouu twwwooo" I had no filter. The words just tumbled out and I couldn't even register what I said enough to think about how it would have effected Maddi and Luke.

Everyone gasped and the once happy, lively atmosphere turned quite and uncomfortable. Maddi looked at Luke who was looking down at his feet because he couldn't meet Maddis gaze. Maddi was close to tears, and Aiden along with everyone else and their jaw drops. It must have all been to much for Maddi because she ran out the backyard and inside. Luke finally snapped out of his out of it state and ran on after her. All of this sobered me up better than any medicine could ever do. What the fuck have I done?

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