Chapter Four - Aria's POV

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Walking into the school grounds is like walking into a circus. You look one way and the clowns are pulling some 'hilarious' prank and then you turn another way and the skilled are juggling boys. Then you see the circus manager or 'teachers' as we are instructed to call them. The managers are telling the ringleaders (those popular kids) what to do because they both have a different idea of what the 'circus' is for. Then there are the freaks. You know, those really creepy kids and the audiences. The kids like me. The quiet once who prefer to observe.
I walk backstage or in the 'hallway' and find my locker. I have biology next. It's not that bad. I just don't like the videos with blood...
I fainted once.
But that's in the past.
I open my locker. Red paint falls from above and someone behind me says, "Hope you didn't faint."
I sigh, sick of those clowns, and grab a cloth out of my locker emergency supplies. I like to think I'm organised.
I get down on the floor and wipe off the paint. Once it's all gone I wash my hands with some raspberry hand sanitiser and the bell rings. Great. I'm gonna be late.
I shut my locker and turn around.
"Ow!" I yelp as someone slams a locker into my hand.
It's the girl from last night. The one from the warehouse. I look at her, turn around and run for it.
When I was talking about the circus I forgot to mention the daredevils. Well she's one of them. I think her name is Cara.
There are so many rumours about. Someone says she lights fires for fun and has been to juvie three time in the past two years. Others say she ate a frog. They're probably all made up by the ringleaders but she still intimidates me.
Suddenly she yanks my arm and I turn around frightened.
"You never gave me a chance to apologise for before," She says with a dry voice.
Some people say she smokes and that's why her throat is croaky in the morning. That's probably a lie to because her teeth are too healthy.
"I'm fine, I just really need to get to class."
Then I run for it.
"Oh ok." she mumbles watching me walk off before shouting, "HEY SIT WITH ME AT LUNCH!"
I give a brief nod but, of course, there is no way I'm going to sit with her.
Biology is a mess. I sit at the back and close my eyes trying not to vomit every time the pig's stomach made this horrible liquid sounds as rubber gloves chopped it in half. I swear Mr G does it on purpose. Everyone thinks he's cool and some girls even say he's hot but I just think he is gross and doesn't teach us anything besides what the stomach sounds like when it's cut up.
I end up doodling on my book about how the digestive tract works, instead of listening to the video. I know the information already.
When the bell goes, I basically sprint to recess. Normally India and I would sit together in our corner by the window, but not today. Not ever since she... She...
"Hey!" Someone yells. "You!"
It's Cara.
I divert my eyes and head straight to an empty table, pretending not to notice her. She doesn't take the hint. Cara picks up her stuff and climbs over the table to sit next to me. She plonks her stuff from a satisfying height. I pick at my salad and ignore her.
"Your in my English class, right?" She asks.
"Yep," I mumble, unable to deal with human contact.
"We have English next."
I go stiff. I won't be able to get away from her.
"So," she interrupts the silence. "Wanna sit next to me?"
I try not to groan and avoid the question.
"Did you do the homework?" I ask.
"Nup," she looks at me seriously and her voice turns to a whisper. "I saw you at the warehouse last night. I know you where there but I don't know why."
I bite my lip. She saw me. She recognised me. She caught me.
"Don't say anything to anyone," I plead.
Cara grins, "Just tell me why."
I groan and stand up.
"See you in English."
I leave the table and bite my lip. She scares me so much. I don't care the rumours are just that.
I through my food in the bin and head back to my locker. It's so close to hers that I grab my stuff and leave before she arrives although I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't show up. She has a reputation for that.
I head to room 74D early and grab my usual back seat. Not even the teacher is here yet. The bells goes shortly after.
Students start to file in and I grab my copy of The Great Gastby and start reading. My eyes flicker up and Cara is smiling at me and heading my way.
"Hey," she nods chucking her stuff next to me.
I keep reading my book and the teacher heads in. The stern middle aged lady frowns and starts to read the role. Her wrinkles on her forehead and countless and her lips are thinner than the well worn paper from her favourite novels. Her brown hair is in a skin ripping right bun and her glasses hang off her nose.
"Morning class."
We all chant good morning except Cara. She just chuckles.
"Open your book to page 137."
"Can I share with you?" Cara asks.
I nod and see she hasn't brought a copy.
The strict lady reads but Cara mumbles to me.
"Why were you there last night?"
"Why were you?" I snap back. I give into my conscious. "Sorry."
"For what?" She asks, clearly not caring that I snapped at her. "But I guess that is a fair question. How about a deal. Tell me why you were there and I'll tell you why I was as well as keep the fact you were there a secret."
I shake my head, "No."
She raises her dark and perfectly shaped eyebrows, "Really?"
"I can't tell you that."
I go back reading the book and she smirks.
"We'll see about that," she raises her hand. "Mrs Laven?"
My head snaps to her.
"What are you doing?!" I hiss
"Being honest to the teacher," she says so innocently. "Mrs Laven. I have something to tell the class."
Cara certainly isn't shy.
Mrs Laven looks up and I groan.
"What?" She frowns. "What is so important that you had to interrupt the story of Gatsby?"
"Firstly, Gatsby isn't that important and my friend Aria," she turns to me. "It's Aria, isn't it?" She look back up. "Agrees with me and secondly, I have something to share with the class about last night."
"About you being arrested," a ringleader girl with straight blonde hair calls out.
She was arrested?
"No, but almost," Cara smirks. "See, Aria was actually..."
I grab her mouth and death stare her.
"She has nothing to share!" I shout.
"No need to yell," my teacher sighs.
"I will talk about this later with Cara," I give in.
She calms down and sits, grinning at we victory.
"Well then," Mrs Laven growls. "That was a lovely interruption but we must get back to work."
For the text of the lesson I feel Cara grinning and I huff, unable to enjoy the words infront of me.

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