Chapter 5- No Strings Attached

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I shouldn't be feeling how I felt but I couldn't help it. Markus made it clear that we weren't in any kind of relationship, but I couldn't help but feel stupid, he could do what he wanted and I couldn't till I had given him a child.

Watching him lay with another woman moved strings in my heart that weren't supposed to move.

This is why he didn't even care to come to me, he was having his way with other women, he didn't care if I was sulking or not, he just knew I would always be there when he liked because I didn't have a choice.

I picked up whatever dignity I had left and rushed back to my room. As soon as I got in, I locked the door and got myself into my bed.

I don't know why I am acting like a woman who just caught her husband cheating. Markus isn't  my husband, I have no rights over him. I finally fell asleep after much turning and tossing.

When I woke up the next morning I felt like a ghost so I needed something to brighten up my day and that was baking. It was quite early and I knew even the maids would be asleep.

I went into the kitchen and found all the ingredients I'd need for the cupcake. When I mixed everything, I took the dough and had a taste of it, something I've always done since I was younger.

I found the pan and turned the dough inside after applying butter to the pan then I put it in the oven and waited for it to get ready.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter when one of the maids rushed in looking surprised, Rena, the maid who has faithfully served me from the first day I came here.

" Ma'am, what are you doing? If you wanted a cake you would have called me to make one for you, why are you doing it yourself?"

This is how it has been since I came here, they barely let me touch anything, and it was like I was already pregnant. Who knew what their boss must have said to them?

"Calm down Rena, it's just a hobby of mine that calms me down, I promise you'll like it." She didn't look too happy with this hobby of mine, but she didn't have a choice but to leave me be.

When the cupcakes were ready, she helped me design the cake. It was a fun process because I kept rubbing the icing on her face. She looked so cute when she was angry.

I was still with Rena in the kitchen when Markus walked downstairs with the woman he was with yesterday, I couldn't help but frown.

But what rights did I have, this was his house after all. Rena made coffee and quickly took it to them as they sat on the couch in the sitting room.

I just ignored them, nothing in the contract states that I have to be nice to the women he sleeps with, so am just going to mind my business.

After baking, I didn't even feel like having any of the cupcakes so I just abandoned them and was making my way to my room when I heard the woman speak.

" Hey!" I just kept on walking because I didn't know who she was referring to, I was not a maid.

"Hey! Are you deaf or something?" That was when I turned to her and could you believe it? She was actually calling me.

" How may I help you?" I asked her and the glare she gave me was like I told her to get out of the house.

" Ma I can get you whatever you need." Rena tried to tell her but she raised her hand signaling for her to keep quiet. I didn't want Rena to get in trouble.

" It's fine Rena." It was like that simple statement made her angry, I think she felt like I was acting like Markus' wife, all this time Markus didn't utter a single word, he was rather focused on the game he was watching.

" Are you in charge here?"

" No I am not," I answered and I think she was satisfied with my answer.

" Serve us breakfast." I didn't need to argue, I just nodded and went into the kitchen, Rena tried to follow me but I signaled to her not to, I know how angry and jealous girlfriends could be.

I made them something simple, I made pancakes and another cup of sweet coffee. When I was done I went to them and told them food was ready, and decided to go back upstairs.

But the lady called me again.

"Where do you think you're going? What if I need something, would I have to yell the whole house down for you?" I wanted to tell her I wasn't a maid here, but the question was, what was I then? Markus wasn't saying anything, then what do I have to say?

I just followed behind them as they walked to the dining room, the breakfast was already served, so I just stood close in case they needed something like she said.

My mind was somewhere else but I snapped back to reality when I heard her her groan in annoyance.

" You witch! What did you put in this coffee?" I turned back just in time to see her spitting the coffee back into the cup.

" I did no such thing," I said as I made my way to her, she looked like she was ready to bury me whole.

" Are you trying to call me a liar?!"

That was what she was at the moment. Because I didn't put anything in that cup, she was just being dramatic.

I didn't answer her question and that made her face even more angry.

"Drink it."No way, there was no way I was gonna drink from a cup that had her spit, that was disgusting.

She kept looking at me like she was expecting me to drink it. I took the cup from the table looked her in the eyes and….


Oh no what do you think she's gonna do?

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