Chapter 49- The Angels

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The world around me was spinning and I felt like I was flying on clouds. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I tried again and was only able to do that only by an inch and I saw people in white hovering over me. Who were they? Angels? Before everything suddenly became black again and I felt like I had been dragged to hell.

I opened my eyes but quickly closed them because of the lights that blinded me and kept them closed until I was sure I wouldn't get that piercing pain when I opened my eyes.

I finally opened my eyes and was greeted by Rena's guilt-stricken face, what was wrong with her?

" Are…" I tried to speak but my throat felt dry like I had been smoking all my life. Rena quickly rushed to get me water. That was when I took the time to look at where I was, it was in a hospital room. Somehow someone came to my aid, I sure do have a lot of life.

She brought the cup to my mouth and I took it slowly.

" How do you feel?" Rena asked me as she took a seat beside me. I didn't feel particularly fine but I felt better knowing I wasn't going to die.

" Not bad, not good," I told her truthfully.

" Who brought me here?" The last thing I remembered was trying to make it to the door before everything went black.

" I did." What did she mean?

" How?"

" I'm sorry I didn't pick up your call when you called. I just wanted to have a warm bath after the hectic day, I didn't know you were fighting in your room to reach me while I was so focused on having a good time, I feel so stupid." She said as she facepalm looking like she wanted to cry. I placed my hand on hers telling her it was okay and I didn't want her to blame herself.

" So when I came out from the bathroom, I saw your missed call and wondered why you were calling, so I tried to call back but you weren't picking up, I thought you might have gone back to bed, so I just wanted to call it a night, but there was a nagging feeling telling me to go check what you wanted, so I did just that. I found you on the floor, I was so scared, I tried calling the boss but he wasn't picking so I called one of the maids and we carried you downstairs…" Gosh, I must have been so heavy for them to carry, with all the food I've been eating.

" We put you into the car and I drove you here." Wow, that must have been so stressful, I wonder how panicked she must have been.

"I'm so sorry for not coming earlier." She said as she rubbed my hand back.

" It's fine, the most important thing is that nothing bad happened."

" Yeah." Was Markus here too? Should I ask? I didn't want to sound desperate but I had to know, they couldn't reach him, so that meant he must have known by now, maybe he was with the doctors.

" Is Markus here?" I finally asked and the look on Rena's face told me he was not.

" No, we were unable to reach him, but…" A knock came on the door stopping whatever she wanted to say. Maybe Markus finally came. But as the door opened, I was shocked at who I saw standing there.

Hardin? How did he know I was in the hospital? I turned to Rena and she looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

" I'll be outside." She said and before I could ask her any questions, she ran off leaving me with Hardin.

" Hey," he greeted me and I just nodded. He had flowers and a basket filled with different things and the one that caught my eye was the peanut butter but I didn't have the appetite for it.

" How did you know I was here?" I finally asked as he took a sit on the chair beside my bed.

" I saw your call and when I picked you weren't saying anything," just how many people did I call?

" I tried calling but you were on another call, I was worried so I kept calling until your maid picked up and told me you were in the hospital, I had to come see you, I have a game tomorrow and I have to go for practice early because I know without seeing you my mind wouldn't be at peace."

" I'm fine, no need to worry about me," I told him as I tried to sit up but he held my shoulder refusing to let me sit up.

" Don't stress yourself, you need rest, you're not fully recovered." I just nodded my head and laid back down.

I was beginning to feel sleepy. It must be the effect of whatever drug they gave me.

" It's okay, I'll stay here till you fall asleep." I heard Hardin whisper.

And then sleep took me.


Fiona, she was indeed a beauty, but she was a beautiful evil. I told myself never to think about her but I don't know why I sometimes let myself go down memory lane. We were the usual high school lovers, we were perfect together, the envy of the school, we had it all planned out, build a house together, have kids, and travel the world, it was all perfect.

I stared at her picture in anger at how young and stupid  I was. She made a fool out of me, she crushed my heart. In anger, I threw the photo frame I was holding on the wall and just then my phone started ringing. I didn't want to be disturbed right now so I picked it up, put it on silent, and threw it somewhere in the room as I took the fourth glass of whiskey I had in one go.

My head and heart were aching so bad and it was all my fault, I would never let any woman put me through such pain, never, it would never happen.

The glass wasn't enough for me any longer so I went for the bottle. Until I drank myself to sleep.

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