Chapter 113- Death

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" Please I'll do anything, just let me know where my daughter is," I said to her hoping she wouldn't end the call. I didn't recognize the voice of the lady speaking.

" Listen to me carefully," She said and I nodded then realizing she couldn't see me I spoke.

" Yes, I'm listening."

" Don't you try any funny business, if you do, your daughter dies." I heard crying in the background as if they were trying to emphasize their point.

" I'll do whatever you say, as long as you give me my daughter,"

" Okay, I'm going to send you an address, make sure you come alone, no police, just you,"

" No funny business, I swear," I said, trying to plead with her.

" I'm glad we have an understanding, because I'm sure my tigers wouldn't mind munching on her little flesh," My heart skipped, I couldn't dare imagine the image of tigers feasting on my baby.

The phone suddenly got disconnected at the same time Rena opened the door.

I almost forgot I was warned not to tell anyone the information I had just learned, I wanted to share it with Rena but I couldn't risk it.

" Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Rena asked as she kept the food on the table.

" A ghost? I'm just worried about Alexandra that's all, thank you for the food," I said as I slowly started to eat, I needed the energy to face whatever I was going to encounter where I was going.

I thanked Rena for the food and went into my closet to get something to wear.

When I returned Rena had already left my room.

I was dressed with my hair tied in a ponytail. I opened the message sent to me by the number that called me earlier.

I left my room and walked downstairs just as I was about to open the door I heard Rena call my name. She looked worried.

" I'm just going to the park, I need fresh air."

" Oh, okay," She said as she returned to what she was doing.

I got into the car and drove off heading to the location that was sent to me. The map stopped me in front of a big house, it looked unfinished and abandoned, like a building project the owner didn't live to complete.

I packed my car and stepped down looking around but I didn't see a single soul, so I
made my way inside.

The place was dark and smelt of dirt.

God, I can't believe this was where they had my child, were they planning on getting her sick?

" Well, well, well, what a surprise," A familiar voice said and I turned to where the voice came from, surprised to find her there.

" Fiona?"

" Surprise!! " I shouldn't be surprised but I was, she didn't like me a single bit but I didn't expect her to go to this length, she even involved an innocent child.

" Where is she?"

" Come on, don't be like that wouldn't you say hello to me first, I've been nice to your daughter,"

" This isn't the time for joke, where is Alexandra,"

" You know I should commend you for the name, you're good at that. Bring the child," She said. That was when I noticed the woman standing in a corner, she must have been the one who called me.

The lady ran up the stairs and a few minutes later she returned with Alexandra in her arms. She was asleep.

" Give her back to me, isn't that why you called me here?"

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