Chapter 93- The Pain

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" It hurts, it hurts so much," Jane moaned in pain as I carried her as fast as I could down the stairs.

" Hold on, hold on I got you," I opened the car door and slowly put Jane inside the car.

" Hurry! drive us to the hospital, quick!" I said to the driver as I got into the car staying behind with Jane. I needed to be beside her for this.

The driver started the car and drove us out of the mansion heading for the hospital.

As soon as we got to the hospital a stretcher was brought by the hospital team as they carried Jane and placed her on it then they took her into the labor ward with me following closely beside her.

Jane was in pain and it wasn't the type I could share in. I could only watch her moan and groan in pain but could do nothing about it.

Jane was put on the hospital bed and I tried my best not to show my worry, if I couldn't take away her pain I could at least show her that I was strong, she had my support.

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation only that what or rather who we were expecting wasn't ready to come just yet. I watched Jane have contractions over and over again and yet they said it wasn't time for her to start pushing.

What was going on?

" Doctor, how long would this take? my wife is in pain," I asked not being able to watch Jane suffer like this any longer.

" I'm sorry but Mr. Arthur you'll have to be patient, this might take hours, we can only help her by giving her medications to reduce the pain, we want to do this right," I was trying to control myself not to drag this doctor by the collar. What did he mean by I had to be patient?

" Markus!!"  Jane screamed my name and I forgot the doctor and quickly turned my attention back to Jane.

" Just stay by my side please, stay here," She said as tears welled in her eyes, there was absolutely nothing I could do to take away the pain, I just had to stay by her side. I combed my hand through her hair muttering words of encouragement to her, I wasn't going to leave her side until she brought this child to the world.

She was sweating so much and shaking her head from side to side uncontrollably.

" I know this is hard for you but can you calm down for me, alright I'm going to tell you a funny story," I said as her hand tightened around mine like she was going to break the bones.

…" You remember when we were talking about crazy things we did when we were children?" I asked her and in response, she squeezed my hand tighter.

" You mean when your dog got raped," She managed to say and I couldn't help but laugh.

" I'm glad you remembered, well let me tell you something that is a secret, when I was a kid my mom wanted a girl, so she used to dress me up in cute dresses and wear hairpins on my head, I was cute you know,"

" Markus!!" She screamed again.

" I'm here I'm here, When is this going to be over?!' I turned to the nurse who came to check Jane again.

" Just a little while Sir and it will be over," She said as she placed a towel on Jane's neck cleaning the sweat and then she wiped her face.

" You heard that right? Just a little more and we can welcome our baby, you're strong okay, you're brave, and this baby would be so proud of you," I said as I ran my hand through her hair.

When would this be over? I couldn't keep watching her be like this.


I had never felt so much pain in my body as I was feeling right now. I was a first-time mom and all this was new to me.

I felt like someone was using scissors and was trying to cut me unsuccessfully each time but the scissors kept cutting. It was so painful. But Markus was here with me, his presence here alone might not take the pain away but I felt comforted.

" Markus this is so hard," I said in agony as I squeezed his hand. The tears that were flowing down my eyes weren't my doing, the pain my body was feeling was what was making everything uncomfortable.

" You're going to be alright okay, just a little more," Markus said in encouragement.

A doctor and a nurse came to check on me and they turned to Markus like they were scared to tell him what they wanted to say.

" Is my baby alright?" I asked, I didn't want anything to happen to my child, this child was everything to me.

" The child is okay ma'am, it's time for you to push,"

Another wave of pain surged through my body and I gripped the hospital bed tightly, this was getting unbearable and the rhythmic beeping coming from the monitor wasn't making anything better, I wished they could turn it off.

" We're ready, at the count of three, push. Are you ready?" The doctor asked and I rapidly nodded my head. If I wasn't ready to push I wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.

" One, two, three, push," I used all the energy that was in my body to will myself to push, but there was nothing, the pain was like a thousand needles trying to push their way through my vagina.

It was fucking painful.

" Let's go again, you're doing just great, come on push," I pushed with all my strength and still there was nothing. I felt bad for Markus, I was sure I would hurt his hand with how tight I was holding him.

" You're doing great, Jane, just a few more push and you'll be with your little one," I felt like that was a lie, I had been willing myself to push and yet there was no cry of a baby. I swear if Markus got close to me again for sex I was going to cut his manhood, he wasn't the one facing this pain.

" You're doing beautifully Jane keeps pushing," I swear if she tells me to keep pushing one more time I would get mad at her, what have I been doing since, playing?

I couldn't do it anymore, I stopped pushing to take a few breaths, this was too painful.

" She's trying her best to push but I think because this is her first birth, it's a little hard for her, she's too tight, and we'll have to cut her,"

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