Chapter 94- End of the Deal

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" What do you mean you'll have to cut her?"  I asked the nurse, already getting angry. The current situation made me anxious, and I wouldn't tolerate anyone who tried to do anything that would annoy me further.

" Calm down Sir, this is the best option, we'll need to cut her because as a first-time mom, she's very tight which is preventing the child from coming out and causing her a lot of pain," The nurse tried to explain to me.

" We don't have time to explain this in detail to you but know that your wife isn't in danger," She said as she turned back to Jane, I looked at Jane who had her eyes tightly shut in pain, for God's sake this should be over already.

Jane screamed as she threw her head back. I had to hold her so she didn't carelessly throw herself from the bed.

". Just a few more darling, it wouldn't be long now," 

I just watched everything, time seemed to stretch as the intensity of the moment heightened. Beads of sweat glistened on Jane's forehead, I wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

Jane was still pushing and yet there was nothing, I was beyond worried.

Suddenly Jane's face filled with determination, a nurse directed her to take a deep breath, the room falling into momentary stillness before Jane pushed again, with each push she exerted every ounce of strength she possessed, the pain momentarily forgotten in a determination to bring life into the world.

The atmosphere was charged with a mix of apprehension and excitement, the anticipation reaching a crescendo.

I could feel it in my heart that the baby was near, I would finally get to meet my little one.

And then finally with one powerful push, a cry pierced the air, a cry we have anticipated for months, a symphony of new life echoing through the room. The doctor cradled the newborn in gloved hands gently placing the child on her mother's chest.

" It's a girl, Markus, she's so beautiful," Jane whispered as she looked down at the child in adoration.

The room filled with a sense of awe, the exhaustion and pain of labor momentarily forgotten in the presence of this newborn and bundle of joy, it didn't feel like just a few minutes ago the whole room was in chaos to bring the child to the world.

Nurses bustled around checking vital signs and ensuring that both mother and baby were okay.

" Hello little angel, Daddy's here," She whispered.

Right before my eyes, I saw our child almost fall off from Jane's hand as her hold on the child loosened, and the next thing the room broke into chaos yet again.

" What's going on?" Why did she suddenly become unconscious?" I asked as I took our little girl in my arms. A nurse came to take the child from me but I refused to give my baby away.

" We have to clean the child and wear her something,"

I gave my little girl the nurse and quickly rushed to Jane's side.

" Why isn't she waking up? Is this supposed to be normal?"

" She's going to be alright, we just need a blood transfusion, she lost a lot of blood during the delivery, she would be alright,"

The doctor brought blood and connected it to Jane's vein and I just stood in the corner watching as the blood slowly went into her body, I just hoped she was okay, I wouldn't want anything happening to her.

I was left with Jane. The nurse brought my baby girl and she was quietly sleeping on her bed. I walked to the baby crib where my little angel was sleeping and held her tiny hand in adoration.

" Hi princess, you don't know how long I've waited for you, I'm going to be the best dad in the world and I promise to love you with all my heart, you're my everything and I'll be your superhero," I heard her made a sound and I chuckled.

" You believe Dad right?"

I couldn't help myself, she was sleeping but I needed to feel her in my arms so I carried her gently and God she was beautiful.

" Come on baby you've been sleeping rent-free in Mommy's womb and now you still have the strength to sleep, I want to see those beautiful eyes."

I carried her and I walked to the couch then I sat down with her in my arms.

" Do you know who loves you the most in the world? It's Daddy," I just couldn't stop staring at her, I couldn't believe she was here and I was now a father.

" I love you, honey, daddy loves you very much,"

Jane had still yet to wake up and I was beginning to worry, what if something else was the reason why she wasn't waking up?

Rena, Jane's maid came to the hospital just like I asked so she could help me with my baby girl. Looking after Jane and the child at the same time wasn't easy.

I was a happy father, nothing could steal that joy from me.

I asked the doctor what was happening that Jane wasn't waking up and he told me I had nothing to worry about. He had been saying that for the past eighteen hours and I was getting tired of it.

I went down to the hospital canteen to get coffee to drink, the smile not ceasing from my face that always had a frown.

When I returned to the room I was surprised to find Jane awake. She had the baby in her arms as she whispered affectionate words to her.

" Markus our daughter looks just like you," I couldn't deny that fact, my baby girl was a beauty to behold when she grows up I'll have to get dogs to scare boys away.

I walked to the bed and took a seat beside Jane. Rena, her maid, quietly excused us.

" Are you okay?" Jane suddenly asked, I didn't realize I had zoomed off. I have been fighting an internal battle with myself, I didn't know what decision to make.

" I'm fine I simply answered as I turned to my princess who had her eyes on her mother."

The doctors came to check Jane and they confirmed that she was okay to be discharged and he instructed us to make sure she had enough bed rest.

" Congratulations sir, congratulations ma," my staff cheered as soon as we stepped out of the car. I didn't expect this and I was pleased, my princess needed to be welcomed like the princess she was.

" Thank you, everyone, we love this," Jane said with the baby cradled in her arms.

We went into the house and I carried Jane slowly up the stairs, her maid Rena followed behind us with our little princess in hand. I opened the door of our room and placed her on the bed.

The baby was placed beside her and I walked out.

This is the fourth day of my discharge from the hospital and Markus has been behaving really strange.

I didn't know if this was normal for first-time dads but I didn't like it, he didn't sleep in the room with me, and when he was in the room his only focus was Alexandra.

I didn't know if I was being jealous of my own daughter or what.

My mind told me maybe he was mad at himself for the pain I went through giving birth that was why he was acting like this, or did he think I was mad at him?

When I tried to ask him what was going on he always told me everything was fine, but I wasn't convinced.

Alexandra was on her bed sleeping when I heard the door open and Markus stepped in.

His face was hard and didn't carry an ounce of smile, I immediately sensed that something was wrong.

" Markus, what going on?"

" What could possibly be wrong at the moment?" He asked me with a hard voice different from the soft voice I've been used to.

" You're scaring me,"

" Come on sweet Jane, you love me right, why scared of me all of a sudden?" He asked as he walked to the bed to sit beside me and his hand rubbed my cheek as he looked me deep in the eyes.

" I'm just happy and I'm glad you kept the end of the deal,"

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