Chapter 71- Queen Treatment

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" Oh my god, Mr. Arthur, so nice to see you here," Lola said as I and Hardin exchanged a look not seeming to understand what was going on.

" Hardin, do you remember the rich real estate tycoon I was telling you I always wanted to be like, it's him," Lola said, sounding so joyful.

" I guess you should start finding a new one, he's not the best role model,"

" What do you mean?" Lola asked Hardin, suddenly seemingly defensive of her role model.

" I asked you a question, didn't I?" Markus suddenly asked not caring about Lola's fan-girling.

" And I don't think I'm obliged to answer any question you ask me," Hardin said without taking his eyes off me like he wasn't even talking to anyone.

" Hardin," I tucked on his sleeve to signal him to stop, I didn't want them fighting again and I had to make sure Markus understood that Hardin was my friend and he had every right to come check on me.

" Markus please, he's only here to see me, I don't want you both fighting,"

" He didn't have to come here," He said, remaining adamant.

" What if I told you he couldn't call me and was worried about me,"

" He doesn't have to worry about you, it's not his job to do, I'll take care of you by myself, so there's nothing anyone should be worried about," Markus was so hard to deal with, there was no room for argument in his eyes.

" Hardin, I think we should go, we know she's alright now, we don't want any trouble," Lola suddenly said as she went to stand beside Hardin trying to make him get up.

Grudgingly he rose up and then he patted my head like you would do a child.

" Make sure you take care of yourself okay?" I nodded my head.

" Take care, Jane," Lola said as her brother allowed her to drag him out of the room.

As soon as they left, I turned to Markus.

" You know that wasn't necessary right? I'm permitted to have friends, it isn't fair how you treated him, he just came to see me,"

" How should I have treated him? Give him a handshake or what? I've told you I don't like him and I'm not going to change my mind about that,"

" What is wrong with you?" I asked him in anger, confused as to why he was acting this way.

" You, you're what is wrong with me," he said as he came to sit close to me on the bed and he brought his face dangerously close to mine that if I moved an inch our lips would touch, and that drove the pregnant hormones in me crazy, they liked the idea way too much.

" How do you mean?" I asked in a whisper like I suddenly couldn't find my voice, I was lost in his eyes.

" I hate it when I see another man near you, whether a friend or not I don't like it, I'm the only one permitted to take care of you," His voice suddenly dropped and that didn't do me so much good with how I was already feeling.

" Do you understand me? " He asked me as he rubbed my lower lip and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. This pregnancy was messing with me and I wasn't complaining.

" Look at you, I've barely touched you and you're already breathless, I won't touch you till you heal, then I'll remind you just how I got you pregnant," He said as my eyes scanned my body, was I sick? Why do I have to wait to get well? This man was mean.

" But I'm not sick," I shamelessly tried to bargain.

" Let me be the judge of that," He said before quickly perking my lips and that made me unhappy.

" Whatever," I grumbled while he chuckled, infuriating me even more.


" Markus I can manage," we had been discharged from the hospital and this was the second day of Markus treating me like I was a child and I couldn't do anything on my own.

" That's the thing, I don't want you to manage, not when I'm here,"

" You should be in your office, you know?" I asked him and I saw his face change like I had hurt him.

" Do you not like me being around you?" He asked and I could hear the hurt in his voice. That made me feel like a total bad person, he was just trying to take care of me and I was acting ungrateful.

" I'm sorry, I don't mean it that way, I just feel like I've been bothering you so much," I told him as I drew close to him, as close as my bump could let me and then I drew his head down to me and claimed his lips, the kiss started slow and then he took control.

He was always the teacher and I was the student. And he was yet to fulfill his promise.

He carried me bridal style as he took off the clothes I had on and then he set me in the hot bath then he joined me. His body was always a sight to behold.

" With the way you're looking at me, if I hadn't already gotten you pregnant, I would have said I would get you pregnant, be careful woman, you're asking for something your body isn't ready to take yet," I've already told him I was okay but he wouldn't listen.

" Well my body wants a kiss," I said with a pout while he drew me to him, and our lips joined, kissing me senseless.

Markus had turned out to be a whole new person, different from what he had presented to me when we first met. He was so sweet and caring that sometimes I wonder how he survived putting on the cold façade that wasn't his real self.

If I had any doubt he had changed, with how he had been taking care of me, every doubt vanished.

After kissing me like there was no tomorrow, he took the sponge and helped me wash my body and afterward, he dried my body with the towel, I felt like a baby.

After cleaning my body, he carried me back to the bed and then he went to my vanity for my cream and he picked one of my maternity clothes from the closet for me, not like I was going anywhere.

He creamed my whole body and my pregnancy hormones raised their ugly heads when his hand passed between my legs. These hormones knew he wasn't going to touch me yet they were messing with me.

After applying the cream to my body, he helped me wear the gown, and then when he was done, he just sat down placing his hand on his chin staring at me and I looked back at him in confusion wondering why he was looking at me.

" Is there something on my face?" I asked him as I reached for the mirror beside me but my hand froze when I heard his next question.

" Will you go out on a date with me?"

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