Chapter 38- The Threat

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I smirked in satisfaction as the maid turned to look at Jane in shock. Why was she acting so surprised? I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the exchange.

" Well, I missed you too my dear," I said as I beckoned her with my hand to come into the room and close the door.

" Rena, you can leave." She said to the maid who looked like she wasn't ready to follow the instructions until she grudgingly stood up and was about to walk out but I interrupted their little friendship party.

"No. No. No. She's going nowhere," I said as I had a full smile on my face gesturing to the maid to sit back down.

" Markus, leave Rena out of this, I've been avoiding you for a reason and we should talk about that." I thought for a moment before sending the maid a dead stare telling her to get out of my face.

She hurriedly stood up looking between the two of us then she disappeared out the door leaving just the two of us.

" I miss you," I said once again smiling at her and I watched her swallow suddenly every bit of smile and humor disappeared from my face.

" You thought you could hide from me?" I asked as I took steps towards her and she took steps back until she hit the wall. Just where I wanted her.

" Markus, you don't know what you're doing, you're not thinking straight." She said and that angered me, was she trying to call me crazy?

" I am in my right senses, but you my darling are not. Did you forget you're carrying my child and were supposed to see the doctor today? I don't fucking care about you, but you see that child in your womb? He or she means everything to me." I said as I traced the cut on her lips, I remember biting those lips, if she hadn't been so stubborn she wouldn't have this cut.

She was being hard and I had to remind her who was in control.

" Markus, you're scaring me." She whispered like she was on the verge of tears and for some reason I became more angry, she thought the tears would affect me.

" Just shut up! Shut the fuck up before I find a reason to scar your lips more. Do you think those tears could move me, those crocodile tears? Do you know how I've had my men look for you? You just disappear, In case you are forgetting, you have a contract to fulfill and you better be a good girl, go into your room, dress, and come outside you're going to the hospital. And the next time this happens, your maid will pay for it."

She held her cry in as she nodded her head but I needed words, I didn't release her.

" Yes, I understand you, Markus."

" Good girl, now go get ready," I said as I patted her head giving her space to go get ready and she did so so fast like I was going to bite her and I couldn't help but chuckle.

She came downstairs in five minutes in a flared white dress and white sneakers looking like an angel she wasn't.

" Ready?" I asked her and she nodded her head but I didn't like it, I wanted her to speak whenever I asked her a question.

" How many times do I have to remind you to answer with words when I talk to you?"

" Am sorry Markus." I couldn't be more pleased if she kept being obedient like this. Everything would just work out fine and she would be out of my life for good.

She entered the car and I closed the door. She was quiet the whole ride to the hospital, just the way I liked it, it wasn't as if we ever talked, she had her hands resting on her lap and annoyingly kept tapping on her feet.

When we got to the hospital we were given the same treatment as always. People would always respect you when you had money to throw on them.

" We noticed you missed the morning appointment, I was thinking you wouldn't be able to make it today, please follow me." One of the doctors said and we followed them without a word.

We went into the examination room and the doctor checked her confirming that everything was okay. Then suddenly one of them asked.

" What happened to your lips?" I saw Jane tense up then she raised her hand to her lips.

" It's nothing doctor, it was just a small accident." She said and the doctor didn't look too convinced but said nothing.

He just checked the cut and gave her an ointment to apply. When we were done she thanked the doctor and we left.

" We are going to get something to eat." I said and she was just about to nod her head but quickly corrected herself.

" Okay." She simply said as we got into the car and drove off.

A special seat was reserved for us in the restaurant and we took our sit placing our order. We were waiting for the food when Jane suddenly stood up saying she was going to the restroom.

About five minutes later she had not returned and I was beginning to wonder what was keeping her. But just as I was about to go check up on her I saw her coming and her face didn't look pleased, it looked like she had just seen the devil himself.

" What is wrong?" I asked her as soon as she sat down but she didn't give me a response.

" I asked you a question." She still remained quiet and I was beginning to get angry. What has gotten into her? Have I not warned her not to keep silent when I talked to her?.

" Jane, if something happened when you went to use the restroom let me know so I can tell the management and they can solve it." I tried once again but she just kept staring at the table blankly. That was when I noticed that something was wrong because right before my eyes I watched as Jane fell from the chair she was seated in as her eyes rolled back.

At the same time, my phone message beeped in my pocket.
" Jane!" I rushed to her and I couldn't let anything happen to my child.

" Somebody call an ambulance!"  I took her head and placed it on my lap. I tried my best to make her open her eyes, but nothing was working.

The ambulance arrived quite on time and Jane was carried into it as I joined them. I somehow managed to take my phone from my pocket and found a message that made me boil in anger.

" Hope this serves as a warning, next time she won't even make it back to you."

Murphy Brown.


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